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Brandon: "N*yawns*o, I'm not. I like chicken."

Ritchie: "Sorry to say but you are our bean~. Scratch that you are the bean king my highness~. As for food, it would have to be spaghetti."

Michael: "Steak."

David: "Sure, what ever is happening over their with Brandon's argument. Ritchie don't try anything. My favorite food would be meatloaf. I'll be back later and no you can't come Ritchie, you're a horrible influence."

Ritchie: "Come one I wanta see the little ones. I was good when we had that baby and when Brandon was a kid."

David: "Answer is still no. You walk around half naked and I don't trust you not to flirt with the caretakers." *leaves to visit the orphanage he grew up in and to play with the kids.*

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