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David: "Ritchie, hun, You need to sit still so we can finish reattaching your porcelain pieces."

Ritchie: "It fels weiwd." (Feels, weird)

Michael: "I know, but you won't heal if we don't reattach them. We are missing small pieces, luckily thoughs will fill in when the cracks heal. And... done."

Ritchie: "Yea. Brandin no falt."*pats his face and kisses checks." ( Brandon not fault)

Brandon: "Puff, ok, ok, fine *yawn* you win. I love you guys."

Ritchie: "Yea!! Cudle pawty!" (Party)

They all cuddle  on the big chastifold pillow, Ritchie holding Franklin and the bear. Slowly they all fell asleep.

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