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David: "Don't worry I can handle it."

Brandon: "Not dorable."

Michael:*shakes* "unua"

Ritchie: "Was teddy bear?"

Brandon:*turns chastifold into its bear form, but the size of a normal teddy bear* "Kinda ike dis."

Michael is taller by a few inches.

David: "You never had any stuff animals?"

Ritchie nods his head, both Brandon and Michael gasps. Brandon preceded to let Ritchie hold the bear form of chastifold.(He normal would kill anyone who touch Chastifold in any form and was rare to let anybody touch.)

Ritchie:*holds it close* "Is nice."

The whole time was spent with David playing with them. At one point they played try and catch Michael's tail. That lasted until Ritchie pulled too hard making Michael cry, inturn making Brandon cry and Ritchie scurrying into a corner trying to hit his head.

David got them to all calm down, Ritchie trying to keep his distance after apologizing. Michael and Brandon didn't let that happen, when ever he moved away Michael would crawl to him and Brandon would walk to him.

Michael and Brandon would hug and kiss Ritchie's cheek to show it was ok. At the moment all three of them are on
chastifold for naptime.(pillow form just big enough for all 3 of them) Michael in the middle with his back to Ritchie and has his tail curled around Ritchie's leg, his head in Brandon's chest. They have their arms rapped around eachother.

(You guys broke my notifications for a little bit.)

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