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Brandon wakes up, surprisingly, before the others

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Brandon wakes up, surprisingly, before the others. When he realized Ritchie was in bed with him, he kicked him off the bed, this woke the others up.

Ritchie: "What was that for?"

Brandon: "For climbing in bed with me."

Michael: "Do you not remember anything?"

Brandon shakes his head. The others preceded to retell the events that happened.

David: "I was surprised with how hyper you were."

Michael: "I expected you to be more mellow and calm."

Ritchie: "No, apology? I found you adorable and a little more excited than expected."

Brandon: "No. I wasn't like that as a kid. Sure I was a little hyper,*yawn* but I never went a full day with no naps."

Everyone started to so their own things because it was their free day.

Ritchie: "I wish I could go on a date, but I have to wait 3 more days. My favorite candy would be chocolate covered strawberries, if they don't count than just chocolate. My fear its um, its being locked in a dark room with no contact."

David: "My favorite candy would be taffy. My fear is not being able to protect the ones I loves."

Michael: "All most any candy that has honey. As for fears, being forced back to  permanently stay in the demon realm."

Brandon: "Marshmallows. *yawns* Fear of having to be forced to deal with overly crowded and aggressive people alone.

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