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Michael: "Let's see I like how David is with kids, Brandon's cooking, and Ritchie's taste in gifts. What I hate is David breaking doors, Brandon falling asleep without telling us, and Ritchie's constant dates."

David: "I like Captain's perseverance, Brandon's sarcasm, and Ritchie's I guess  passion. I hate how Captain throw things out the window, Brandon's floating away from us when we don't pay attention, and Ritchie spending the majority of our money."

Brandon: "I like Captain's head strangeness, David's affinity for kids, and Ritchie's got get them attitude. I hate how fast Captain goes through tea, David's not always asking for help, Ritchie's mindlessly flirting with everyone."

Ritchie: "How can I pick? I love how Michael can take charge, I love David's confidence, I love how Brandon gets along with natural. Now, what do I hate? Humm, I guess Michael and David pushing themselves and Brandon disappearing on us."

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