ask and te dare

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Ritchie let's out an "Eep" before hiding behind the others,hands attached to David's shirt."

David: "Hey, it's ok love. No I don't think I have any."

Brandon: "Your ok Sweetie. Nope I have none."

Michael: *hugs Ritchie* "Your fine. I do have some, but I don't speak to them. It's your turn love,  you can take your time."

Ritchie:*now fiddling with his hands and I'd flustered* "I-I-I um d-don't ha-ha-have a-any-ny si-sib-siblings. I mu-mumble bout-out how I-I-I-I-I-I "Take your time and breathe."  Lo-love th-them an-an-and ho-how I can-can-can help o-o-thers."

(This honestly hurt me writing this because this is almost exactly how I get)

David: "You did amazing love. I'm very proud of you." *kisses his forehead*

Michael: "Wonderful job, you did great." *kissed his hands*

Brandon: "Great job dolly~" *kisses his cheek*

Ritchie let's out another cute embarrest sound, hiding his face. The others pulled him into a cuddle pile full of blankets and pillows. They let Ritchie cover himself up, as he leaned against them.

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