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Brandon: *shaking* "H-he wa-was tryi-ing to cl-climbe up me-e and j-just fell. I-its my-my fa-fault."

David: "It's ok Brandon it wasn't your fault you need to calm down. This isn't the first time Ritchie broke like this, he'll be good as new in no time." *holding Ritchie and walking to Brandon.*

Michael was picking up all the porcelain pieces so they would be able to put Ritchie back together, any missing pieces they would have to get order.

Brandon: "I-I should g-go."

Ritchie: "Nuu, Branin,Branin!" *Reaches out for Brandon with is broken and whole arm, tears gathering again*

David puts Ritchie in Brandon's arms.

Ritchie: "Sorrye,sorrye, y fault no wours!" (Sorry, sorry, my fault not yours)

Ritchie cuddles Brandon the best he could without cutting him, Brandon cuddles back being careful not to brake Ritchie anymore than what he is.

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