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Michael's mind: "KILL, MURDER, KiLL, kIll, KiLl, MuRDer,PROTECT,I'Ll KilL tHEm aLL!! I'll MAKE thEm WISh ThEY were NEVER BORN!!"

David's mind: "He's just a kid. Why, why, in the ever loving universe was he treated like that!? How long did this go one for? How in the world is responsible for this!"

Brandon's mind: "He doesn't deserve this! Is this why he acts like he does?!

Ritchie:*shifting* "Did I do somteing wrog?*yawns*

Michael:*snapped out of it* "Sorry. You did nothing wrong, we were just thinking."

Brandon: "It's  getting *yawn* we should change and go to bed."

David: "Do you need help changing or no?"

Ritchie shakes his head and followed David to his clothes. He found them nice, they were warmer and covered more then his old ones. The others tucked him into bed, as they were about to leave Ritchie cried out for them to stay and not leave him alone. They agreed to stay and wait for him to fall asleep.

Michael: "It's nice, could be better given the situation

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Michael: "It's nice, could be better given the situation. Now, are we all in agreement of hunting down these people and killing them. If not all, at least the person who rented him out."

David and Brandon: "Yes"

David: "I'm just glad we didn't trigger to bad of a response from him."

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