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Brandon did well for the first hour, that was until that kept getting closer wanting to socialize or be aggressive with him.

Man: "Come one, what you too good to socialize with us low class just because your a sin!"

Women: "Don't listen to him. How about you and I go somewhere nice, my treat~."

At this point Brandon couldn't take any more. Has body was shaking and tears threaten to spill. That was until he heard a familiar voice telling the people to leave him alone.

Ritchie was patrolling his area(one the same side of the village as Brandon's, the others are on the opposite end) when he got an off feeling. He walked around for a little bit when he came across a rowdy crowd, in the middle he saw Brandon. He knows of Brandon's fear, so he made him self know and used his mind magic on the crowd.

(Before we can fully dive in with Ritchie, I'ma make you go through the others first)

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