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David: " For the most durable that's hard. I guess we would have to say me when the sun is at It's highest point. Most fragile can go to Ritchie in his doll form,seeing as he's made of porcelain."

Ritchie:*silly dancing* "I'm guessing that would be right, sounds right. Take your time to tell us our dragon."

Brandon:*back to normal* "Its ok you don't have ta."

Michael: "It's ok I want too."

Michael goes on to explain how he was treated like nothing he did was good enough. He was forced to train till he would pass out, how he would have to skip meals here and there. How he was berated for every little mistake. Ritchie and the others ended up dance hugging his and giving him kisses.

(Does anyone want a genesis ask and dare book. I won't be able to do a lot of the people and it might be a little cringe. However if you do want it, I'll let you know how I watch more of and who you can ask/dare.)

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