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Michael: "Introductions are in order. My name is Michael the Dragon sin of Wrath, leader of the 7 deadly sins. I'm a demon. "

Riccaro: "Cool I'ma daemon too, wel kind of. I'm also an unicorn and I'm from mercury. It kind of cold here. Also what's a crush?"

Ritchie: "I bet it is. A crush is a person you like more than a friend, but isn't family. I'm Ritchie the Goat sin of Lust. I'm a doll"

Brandon: "I'm Brandon*yawn*  Grizzly sin of Sloth. I'm a fairy"

David: "David, Lion sin of Pride. I'm just a human that grows when the sun is up."

Davis: "I'm Davis son of máat."

Lychee: "I'm Lychee son of Janus. Since we are sharing spices I'm part demon. "

Mikael: "I am Mikael son of Horus, and king to the egyptian demigods"

Riccaro:*panicking* "I, um, I got to go."

Riccaro try's to leave only to be hit back by a force field.

Brandon: "You can't leave*yawn* so finish introducing yourself."

Riccaro:*hiding behind the sins* "I don't want to die, but I'm Riccaro son of Set."

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