ask and dare

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David is currently helping Ritchie feed his fish and Michael just got down washing Franklin. Brandon took something to suppress his emotions.

Michael: "How are you doing Brandon?"

Brandon: "good."

Michael: "Are you ok?"

Brandon: "yes."

Ritchie: "Branin,Branin! May 4 wou!" (Brandon, Brandon! Made for you!)

Brandon: "thanks."

Ritchie: "Chu don't ike?" (You don't like?)

Brandon: "sure i do."

Ritchie: "Are lying? Is bad?"

David: "Ritchie come on.

Ritchie: "Nuuu, I can made gin if no goo!" *clings onto Brandon with tears*(Nooo, I can make again if not good)

Brandon: "it is fine."

Michael: "Come on Ritchie, I'll talk to him."

Ritchie: "Nuu, I wove chu, ple e fin, I doll cuddle ake chu alight."* Turns into his doll form* (Noo, I love you, please be fine, I doll cuddle make right you alright)

Brandon: "love you too."


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