ask and dare

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Ritchie excused himself from the others and went on a 'walk'.

Michael: "It's always concerning when Brandon stays awake for a whole day. I don't want our Love doing that."*angry*

Brandon: "When David doubts himself. Are you kidding me*yawn* I don't want to."

David: "I don't him him to either love*hint of anger* I worried when Michael got angry at Ritchie or at someone and doesn't blow up."

They all left for patrol when Brandon saw a person with blue fluffy hair and a poncho on. He went to the person and apologized before explaining the dare and kissing him. The stranger kissed back before leaving. The others were steaming on the inside, the rest of the patrol was done in a kind of violent way. When they got home they were met with Ritchie on the couch.

Ritchie: "So how was patrolling~"

David and Michael: "I don't want to talk about it!"

Brandon just went up and cuddle with Ritchie before falling asleep.

(These scenarios were playing in my head so I decide it to that kind of sketch/draw them)

(These scenarios were playing in my head so I decide it to that kind of sketch/draw them)

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