dare and ask

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Michael just got done feeding Ritchie(sitting on Brandon's lap), when David pick them all up.

David: "Ok, everyone we are going on a walk."

Ritchie: "Oweide?!"(outside)

Michael: "It appears so."

They were outside for about 30 minutes  now. Ritchie getting excited at everything and wanting to play with dangerous animals, the other didn't let him. A couple times David was hit in the face with branches.

Ritchie: "Iss hen I"( Is when i)

We are shifted into the scenery where Ritchie is by himself. He was soaking wet, camel all over him. The first person he truly loved just dumb him in the rain, splashed their camel syrup all overhim. They did this in-front of their family. They punched him making Ritchie pee himself, then left.

Michael: "It's time to head home."

Ritchie: "Micle, Micle, Iss ont Micle 2 holed ee owl!" (Michael, Michael, I want Michael to hold me now)

Michael: "Ok,ok I got you now." *holds him closely to his chest*

All: "B"

Michael,David,Brandon: "Rather kill myself than Ritchie becoming depressed."

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