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David: "Yes, the last couple of days he has been more active than usual, now its finally catching up with him."

Brandon: "He's a doll thing that was raised to do whatever *yawn* people say. This is probably a mixture of Michael's possessiveness and genuine love from both of them,*yawn* putting his senses into over drive and activating his doll side. This is why I'm not partaking in the kissing of him. It'll take time for *yawn* him to adjust, the more adjust he is the less he gets dazed. He will still have times he gets dazed, just won't last long.*yawn* Are not, I'm just guessing." *falls asleep*

David has joined Michael (less than Michael) in giving out  affection. He has Brandon and Ritchie in his lap, Ritchie buried into Brandon's side, Michael behind them arms and tail rapped around them.

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