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The moment Yoon Se Ri got confirmation that she was pregnant, she accepted that not only she and Ri Jeong Hyeok made a human being and will also welcome the baby into the world in nine months, but the symptoms also hit Yoon Se Ri with a vengeance.

She found out that she was 8 weeks pregnant while she was in Seoul while did some business that needed her supervision. She was shocked because she was on the pill. Then she remembered that a few weeks ago, she got sick, which made her had three different antibiotics before the doctor got it right, and of course the antibiotics rendered the pill.

As far as she remembered, there was a lot of love-making that week. She was sick and bored, how else was she supposed to pass time?

A week after she found out that she was pregnant, she went to her parent's house. She figured at least she needed to tell her mother since she didn't want to announce the life-changing moment to Ri Jeong Hyeok over the phone. She desperately needed someone to talk to.

Yoon Jeung Pyeong was in America with Yoon Se Jun doing some business meetings. Great, she can have a girl talk with her mother, alone.

"Se Ri-ya" Do Hye Ji was practically sprinting from where she parked her car while shouting Se Ri's name.

"Oh, Eonnie. You are here too." Se Ri smiled awkwardly when her sister in law linked her hand with hers.

"Yes, Eommoni invited me. She said you will come this afternoon. Your Oppa leaves me way too long. I am so bored. Ah, how's your husband?"

"He's good."

Han Jeong Yeon prepared lunch that served at least 7 people when they were only 3 of them.

"Se Ri-ya. You didn't eat much? Are you sick?" Han Jeong Yeon asked her daughter softly.

"No, it's just--"

"Oh my god, you are pregnant." Do Hye Ji squealed excitedly.

"What?" Both Se Ri and her mother shocked to hear Do Hye Ji's statement. How did she know?

"Are you pregnant, Se Ri-ya?" Han Jeong Hyeon moved her body closer to her daughter and rubbed her back.

Se Ri watched her mother and sister in law alternately. She took a deep breath and was about to say something, but she couldn't. Then Se Ri burst into tears.

"Se Ri-ya. What's wrong?" Both of them asked and went for a hug, squeezed Se Ri in the middle.

"I am so scared. I don't know how to be a mother. I've never even changed a diaper in my entire life. I can't sleep at night. I am so tired, and I feel sick like all the time. My emotions are all over the place. I don't feel like myself, and most importantly I don't even know how to tell Ri Jeong Hyeok." She rushed and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Oh, my darling one. Everything is going to be okay."

That afternoon, Yoon Se Ri, Han Jeong Yeon, and Do Hye Ji talked about what should Yoon Se Ri do. And surprisingly that calmed Se Ri. A lot. It's good to have a family.


Yoon Se Ri flew to Switzerland 3 weeks earlier. She was 12 weeks pregnant back then. She texted Ri Jeong Hyeok, informed him that she was at home already.

Ri Jeong Hyeok immediately packed his belongings and went home straight away. He realized Se Ri was acting weird these past few weeks. But every single time he asked if she was alright, she said yes.

Yoon Se Ri was on their porch. She was starring off the lake. He can tell that she was bothered by something. She was beautiful. He can't help but stare at her for a minute. The way the sunlight caught her hair and framed her silhouette. He swore she had more curves than when she left, and he wasn't complaining.

He was pulled out of his trance when she turned and caught his eye. Her face broke into a smile, and they began to walk to one another. Ri Jeong Hyeok dropped his bag and their arms went around each other's waist, and their lips met in a kiss that defined their relationship, soft and sweet.

"I miss you." He said breathlessly as he buried his face in her soft smelling hair.

"I miss you, too." She laughed and he pulled her closer and nuzzled her neck.

"Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi, there is something I need to tell you."


Ri Jeong Hyeok couldn't sleep that night. How could he? His beloved wife just told her that they were having a baby. He was about to be a father in 28 weeks.

Se Ri admitted that she was scared shitless. She was happy of course, but she was also scared. Being a parent is no joke.

The moment Se Ri handed Jeong Hyeok a sonogram of their baby, he swore his legs turned into jelly. He was so happy and thought his heart was about to burst because of happiness. But Se Ri looked anxious.

So he assured his wife that everything is going to be fine. He swore that he would never leave her side and be the best husband and father he could.

When Ri Jeong Hyeok started to drift off, Yoon Se Ri startled awake with nausea, just barely managed not to run into both the night table and the wall as dizziness followed close on nausea's heels. She made it just in time. The wonderful celebratory dinner now ruined.

She was panting when her stomach stopped convulsing and sighed as she rested her head against the cool porcelain of the toilet. She closed her eyes, grateful that her husband slept through the whole thing.

Or so she'd thought.


She waved her hand behind her to shooed him back to bed. It's not like he can do anything for her.

She gasped when his hand brushed against her back, her body convulsing again, and sent her into a fit of another dry heave. She groaned when they finally subsided.

"Se Ri-ya".

Her eyes fluttered. "I am fine. I already get used to it. Go to bed."


She groaned.

"Just sleep. Its past midnight. You need to work tomorrow." She managed to lift her head. She had to assure him. It won't take long and she'll back to bed soon.

"I'll carry you." He said. "You can't sleep here. You are pregnant."

She scrambled away from his hands until the dizziness sent her diving for the toilet again.

He waited for her then lifted her body once she was done.

"Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi." She groaned. "Really please." But she didn't have any energy to fight him.

He carefully lay her down on the bed.

"Can you get my laptop?" she said.

"No. You can't work—"

"I just want to do another research, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi."



He obliged and handed her laptop.

"No. I'll do it. Just rest." He took her laptop back and started to do research of his own.

She smiled as she closed her eyes.

"Crackers." She heard him said. "Crackers are supposed to help."

She hummed and tried to get as close as possible to her husband.

"Brush your teeth after eating. Eating small frequent meals. Do you think the room is too stuffy? Should I open the window?"

She let him go, heard him murmuring to himself. It made her smile. He would be the best father to their children, no doubt. Everything is going to be just fine.  

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