Fun Ways to Predict Butterflake's Gender

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Christ, I don't even know what I was doing. But you guys want me to elaborate and exaggerate, this is what I can come up with. Enjoy!

"Hello, good afternoon." An overly excited technician entered a room after Ri Jeong Hyeok and Yoon Se Ri waited for a few minutes.

Both of them greeted her back politely.

"I am Anna. I am going to performing your ultrasound today."


"This is just a standard 20 weeks?" Anna asked as she prepared the ultrasound machine.

"Right, technically I am 21 weeks. But I was in Seoul last week." Se Ri replied.

"That's okay. I am going to need you to scoot back a little bit. And if you could unbutton the top of your jeans, then tuck this towel in."

Se Ri did exactly as she was told. Honestly, she was nervous. They were about to find out the gender of their Butterflake that day. Jeong Hyeok held her other hand and smiled at her.

It wasn't the first time he joined his wife for a check-up. But he always got excited every time he got the chance to see his baby.

"Were you hoping to find out the sex of the baby today?"

"Yes,." they both answered simultaneously.

"Okay, let me take a few measurements, and then we can go exploring."

The technician moved the Doppler around Se Ri's baby bump. Then the whooshing sound started again.

Ri Jeong Hyeok's breath caught in his chest. He wanted a bigger screen. He wanted to see Butterflake's fingers and toes and arms and legs and everything else.

Both Jeong Hyeok and Se Ri were in awe as they looked the way Butterflake moved and twitched. It was so strange, but not near as strange as actually feeling Butterflake kicked against his palm.

"Right there, that's the baby's head." The technician explained as she pointed the monitor. "I am going to measure that really quickly."

"What is that little blinking light over there?" Se Ri asked.

"That's the baby's heart. It's going really strong, let me record that for you."

Anna busied herself and pressing the buttons. Then she moved the Doppler again.

"Well, everything looks good. The baby's healthy and measuring just fine. But I am afraid we can't find out the sex of the baby's today."

"Why? Is something wrong?" Ri Jeong Hyeok asked worriedly.

"No, nothing's wrong. But the baby is refused to open their legs today. So I don't really know for sure what you're having. Everything is fine, really. Nothing to worry about. We can find out the sex of the baby at the next appointment."

They both nodded.

Deep down Se Ri was disappointed. She wanted to be ready. If the universe dropped a baby in her arms in 19 weeks she needed to know what she was having.


Swinging the door opened forcefully, Se Ri stepped into the hall. Stopping to get her bag, she blinked back her tears and glanced up and down the hall for a bathroom. Damn hormones.

"Second on your left." Another overly cheerful technician offered from behind her.

Without responding, she turned left and walked really fast towards the bathroom. As she went she heard the tech speaking to Ri Jeong Hyeok. "Here are the pictures and the DVD. Congratulations, everything looks good."

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