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Another one-shot. Just to let you know that these one-shot aren't in chronological order, I just write what I want to write.

Lying on her bed, surrounded by her gigantic pillow, Yoon Se Ri watched her husband tuck his toiletries into his case. Sighing quietly, she rubbed her stomach as he zipped his case and pivoted to face her.

"You sure you don't want to come?" He asked and leaned against the counter.

Snickering, she straightened her feet in front of her and flexed her toes. Stretching her arms to her side and shook her head. "No, Love. I don't want to come."

"I can find you a flight. You can hang out in the hotel room, eat room service, and relax. We could be together after I finished working."

"Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi." She whined. "I've got so much work to do. And I don't feel good."

He sighed and walked closer to the bed.

Struggling to maneuver into a sitting position, she wheezed and fought with her blankets until she was free, then haphazardly gathered her hair and secured it on top of her head.

"You feeling any better?" He inquired.

Shrugging, she sneezed violently before she could answer his question. Wrapping her arm around her middle in order not to jostle the baby so much, she winced and cried.

"I don't think its allergies, Honey." He moved closer to feel her forehead to check on her fever.

"I don't know. Do I feel warm?" She cradled her stomach and leaned into his touch.

"No. You feel normal." He told her, pulled his hand away.

"Then its allergies."

Lazily, she reached a handout. Bending across the bed, he clasped her fingers in his and brought them to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles.

"No, Love," She giggled. "Help me up."

Laughing, he tugged her gently until she was once again upright. Leaning to kiss her forehead, he reached out and rubbed her stomach. "I'll be home in a week. Call me if you need anything. I am sorry you don't feel well. I wish I could just stay at home and take care of you." He spoke gently before pulling away and looking into her rimmed eyes.

"We'll be fine, Love. Have a good time in Russia and don't worry about us." She smiled and sniffled as she reached for a tissue.

"How can I not worry about you? You are sick."

"Allergies. And besides, I have Mary."

He chuckled. "Right, you have Mary."

Mary Weber was Yoon Se Ri's new personal assistant. She was smart and sharp. The moment Yoon Se Ri told her that she was pregnant, Mary turned into a hawk. Watching every single move that the boss' made.

She remembered last week, 10 minutes right before the meeting started, when suddenly one of the stakeholders walked past her, his cologne sent her to her knees. Se Ri was always a good runner. But to sprinted while desperately trying to find a toilet, with a rolling stomach, in her heels, without falling or bumped into anyone, plus she made it to the toilet in time, was sure one of Yoon Se Ri's biggest accomplishment.

"Ma'am. Are you okay?" Mary asked worriedly while waiting outside the toilet.

"Yes—" Se Ri dived her face to the toilet once again.

"No, no are not okay, Ma'am. Should I call--?"

"NO!" Se Ri groaned.

"What can I do Ma'am? Do you want me to rub your back?"

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