Parent-Teacher Association Meeting

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There are a number of reasons why Ri Jeong Hyeok joined Da Eun's PTA. One, he really liked being involved in his daughter's life. It was really important for him to feel like he knew what's going on at her school, her life, her friends, and the teachers.

He expected it to be easy. As a man who accustomed to deal with the security council, North Korea, and his military background, he figured that PTA would be a walk in the park.

Oh, boy. He was so wrong. Very wrong.

It wasn't that the parents are terrible people. Actually, they were amazing and dedicated parents with all the same goals in their minds. The problem was, sometimes, the path to those goals was different. And that was how he found himself rubbing a hand against his forehead on Saturday afternoon.

Usually, he would spend the weekend in the park with Se Ri, Da Eun, and their 7 months old twin boys, Ji Hun and Jin Woo. Instead of spending his weekend in the park with the kids, he stuck in a PTA meeting, trying to put out together the school annual June carnival.

If only Jeong Hyeok could describe the whole meeting situation, he would say it was like herding cats.

So he slipped out in the middle of a debate on a bouncy castle, yes a bouncy castle. He never would have thought there were so many safety concerns, or the chaos could be considered a problem when they were talking about a kindergarten. His thumb expertly pressed his wife number on speed dial before he reached the door.

"About time, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi." Yoon Se Ri answered. "Da Eun has been asking nonstop when you are coming home."

Jeong Hyeok looked back at the door, a little resentful and frustrated. "Next time I have to sit in another meeting apart from PTA, remind me of this moment."

She laughed, of course, she did. "It's a PTA meeting, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi. Hardly a vote on the nuclear holocaust."

"Honestly, I can handle it better. This?"

"Honey. It's a parent-teacher association. You too dramatic, don't you think?"

"We spent 30 minutes debating whether we should end the carnival at four or four-thirty."

"You're making that up."

He laughed sarcastically. "I wish I was. Now it's whether a bouncy castle is really safe or if it will be mass chaos."

"It's a bouncy castle."

And if was ever a phrase he'd never bet would come out of Se Ri's mouth, that one came pretty damn close.

"I am not sure when I am going home." He told her, leaning his back against the wall. God, he just wanted to spend a quiet Saturday afternoon with his family in the park. "You better take the kids to the park with Imo-nim. Da Eun can be stubborn when she has her mind set."

Se Ri hummed. "Hang on."

He heard her call Da Eun's name. He waited and sighed. Then one of the mothers – was it Emma or Elena? – poked her head out of the teacher's lounge. She made a "hurry up" gesture towards him. Jeong Hyeok held up two fingers. He could hear the volume of the argument inside the room, and it made him shuddered.

How on earth did he involve in a bouncy castle argument in the first place? How had this become his life?

"Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi."

"Still here."

"Da Eun doesn't mind to stay at home today. I bribed her with chocolate pie. I'll be there in half an hour."

"Se Ri-ya, you don't—"

But she was already gone. While part of him was anxious about what was coming next, but he couldn't help but thrill either.

It has been a long time since he saw his wife in action.


He heard her heels first. Saturday and Se Ri was wearing heels. He grinned to himself, already turning his head to the door even before the handle turned. She stood there elegantly, imposing, and intimidating at the end of the conference table.

The room went silent, all eyes turning to the new arrival.

"Can we help you?"

Se Ri glanced around the room. Her eyes fixed on his. "I heard we are having some trouble planning the carnival."

And Jeong Hyeok got the absolute pleasure of watching every person in the room orient towards his wife. She took control swiftly, easily, moved them all to a classroom with a whiteboard and markers. It took an hour and a half to work through the details with Se Ri's help.

He couldn't help but watch in awe and arousal as she handled every concern and every issue. Every parent and teacher looked at her in awe, like she was the most amazing moderator that ever existed. She is a CEO after all.

When he hour was up and everyone had their jobs, filing out of the classroom in renewed excitement, Jeong Hyeok headed right for his wife. She got her phone out, halfway through a text message.

"Just letting Imo-nim know we're on our way and we can- YA!"

"Later." He told her, already tugging her close. He slipped her phone into his pocket. "I have other ideas on how to spend a Saturday night. We aren't going to the park anyway. I want to have you first."

The arousal spiked in her face. He loved that he could still get her like that, a couple of simple words, and his hand smoothing down her back, and she pressed her palms to his chest. It was resistance, but a small one, so he didn't hesitate in taking her mouth. She responded, hot and hard, matched him move for move.

He growled as he pulled away, realized somewhere along the line he managed to get a palm on her ass. "Where are you planning to take me, Captain?"


A few weeks later, the carnival went off without a hitch. Da Eun's principal approached Se Ri with a request that she join PTA too, but she politely declined. It wasn't her style, not her speed and really, she didn't need yet another committee to usher along.

Unless when things got out of control, or that's what Jeong Hyeok's thought. He didn't hesitate to call his wife. Se Ri wasn't sure if it was because she was that damn good or he just liked watching her in command. 


This one is really short, I know haha. 

I am taking requests, babes. Comments and votes are deeply appreciated. Love you.

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