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This one is a bit short but full of fluff. Like tooth-rotting baby fluff.

Se Ri reclined into the corner of the couch with her feet propped up on the coffee table as the movie played on the television in front of them. Da Eun lay sprawled out against her chest, the sound of her suckling on-air causing her mother to smile. With one arm wrapped around Da Eun's bottom, Se Ri used the other hand to pat Da Eun's back and stroke the back of her head with her thumb. Jeong Hyeok occupied the opposite end of the couch and stretched out in the same manner as Se Ri, their bare feet meeting on the table in front of them.

Since coming home from the hospital, they'd done absolutely nothing but spend time together while they attempted to keep the baby fed, dry, and happy. Se Ri was blissfully content being back at home and did nothing but to spend time with her daughter and her husband.

She tugged the baby's blanket around her and tucked Da Eun in snuggly. Nuzzling her lips against Da Eun's sweet-smelling head, Se Ri adjusted her cap and waited until the baby finished wriggling around her mother's chest before she knocked her foot against Jeong Hyeok's to get his attention.

When he didn't respond at first, she figured he was asleep since he was on duty the night before. Da Eun just refused to be put back on her basinet after Se Ri fed her at 2 AM. So Jeong Hyeok took the baby downstairs, letting his wife tried to get some rest while he kept bouncing his 5 days old daughter in his arms.

"Come on, Sweetheart. I know you are sleepy." He said softly to the baby who was wide awake.

Thirty minutes after endless walking while bouncing his daughter, Da Eun still refused to sleep. Who knew having a newborn can be this exhausting? Jeong Hyeok never felt this tired, not even on his military days.

So an idea popped into his mind. He went upstairs, grabbed a blanket, then going down again. He lay Da Eun on the couch, which sent her to immediate full-blown cry, then took his t-shirt off.

He put her on his chest and draped a blanket over them. The sound of his heartbeat calmed the fussy baby.

He gently patted the baby's back while occasionally kissed the top of the baby's head. He smiled when he heard Da Eun's soft snoring.

Once Se Ri woke up at 5 AM in the morning and couldn't find either of them in the room, she panicked. Then she remembered that Jeong Hyeok was on his daddy duty. She carefully walked down the stairs and found her two most favorites persons sleeping on the couch.

She took a picture of them. This moment was just too precious.


Suddenly Se Ri felt all the exhaustion in the past few days seeping in. As she brought her hand back to Da Eun and pushed her body further into the couch, she felt Jeong Hyeok's foot nudge hers. Smiling, she refused to open her eyes, but pinched her toes against his foot and waited. It didn't take long for him to twist his own leg to gain the position required to pinch her back and when he did, she shook with silent laughter as she tipped her head so she could open her eyes and look at him.

"Do you need something?" he asked her, his voice thick with sleep.

"No, not really." She shook her head lazily and grinned at how cute he looked, all laid-back and disheveled. She itched to reach out to run her fingers through his crazy hair, but couldn't maneuver herself to do so with her daughter perched on her chest.

"Want me to take her?" he asked, giving her a smile to let her know that although he was trying to sound helpful, what he really wanted was the baby in his arms.

"Sure." She smiled and pushed herself upright so she could kiss the infant before handing her off to her daddy.

Jeong Hyeok settled Da Eun and adjusted her so her small head was tucked under his chin. The little girl's round diaper-clad bottom was tooched, her knees drawn up against Jeong Hyeok's chest and her fists securely placed on either side of her head. Se Ri stretched and crawled across the couch to rest her head on her husband's shoulder. She wrapped one of her small hands around his bicep, wrapped the other around his waist, and tossed her leg across his thigs in an attempt to as close to her favorites.

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