🌵chapter 10

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The morning sky was gloomy and the clouds filling it refused to let in the sunlight. It was a normal day at the mansion until the servants were informed of the return of Park Dohyeon and his wife Min Suyeon, the elders of Park family. Both had spent the last six months outside Korea with their eldest son; Park Minjae's elder brother Park Geonwoo. The guy had left the house and his parents to marry the woman he loved. Both moved to Canada two years back and recently gave birth to a daughter. Though his parents hated the fact that he married an omega, they now accepted them back into the family once again considering the fact that the baby was still their granddaughter and a member of Park family. They were said to arrive in a week or two. Geonwoo's old room was cleaned and furniture changed. The room next to it was redecorated into a bedroom for the baby. Her name was Park Hyunji.

Jihun was in his room still in pyjamas looking keenly at his phone screen failing to notice his mother who entered in.

"And the order is placed", he announced to himself.

"What did you order?", Mrs.Park asked standing behind him.

He turned to her, "Good morning mother", he switched off his phone, "It's nothing"

"Your brother asked for something?", she asked sitting beside him on the bed. She too was in her sleeping robe which meant she was gonna stay at the mansion for the day to look after the arrangements.

Jihun didn't reply. He wasn't sure how she would react to Jimin liking a person. Though she didn't bother giving him much attention she still made sure her eldest son did not cause any problems for her and the family. Once was already enough.

But then she had access to all information regarding the mansion and it's people. In the end she would come to know it.

"It's a scent mask", Jihun answered.

"A scent mask?", she asked confused, "For what? Does he wanna go out or something?"

Jihun shook his head, "You know that's difficult for him", he said with an expression that he frequently used before his parents. A disappointed face.

"Right. He won't even step out of the greenhouse. Going out is impossible for him", she spoke without a hint of sympathy for her own son.

Jihun got up and walked to the bathroom unable to tolerate her, "I'm gonna get ready for school"

"Wait", she stood up, "I saw that alpha in our house yesterday. Your friend's brother. What work does he have here?", her deep chestnut brown eyes looked straight into his.

"Um", Jihun searched for reasons but nothing hit him when she stood there with a demanding gaze, "He is the new gardener to look after the greenhouse. It was me-"

"Are you mad?", she hissed, "Or was it your brother who asked for an alpha? Has the heat finally messed up his mind?"

"Mother!", Jihun snapped no longer controlling his anger, "How could you speak so ill of him?"

"Don't all omega's yearn for an alpha to hold them. He is no different", she rolled her eyes.

"But he is your son. Though you despise him for his gender, can you atleast not blame him so recklessly? How can you be so narrow minded?"

"Park Jihun!", she yelled, "You know nothing. It is his fault for being born as an omega. Nothing good has ever come from raising that boy", her eyes went round.

It was not the first time he and his mother argued over the matter, yet it hurt him so bad everytime to realise he was incapable of protecting his brother.

Mrs.Park stormed out huffing. In the corridor, outside the room, she looked at her hands that were trembling and how they spread throughout her body. Her eyes were red and welled up with tears.

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