🌵chapter 26

782 45 35

[listen to the mentioned songs for better reading :) ]

The car stopped in front of the flower shop. The one in Daegu. The one Taehyung and Jimin couldn't stop staring at with their hearts swelling up at the moment.

"This is overwhelming", Jimin's hands squeezed his alpha's.

In front of the same shop that brought the soul bonds together for the first time as strangers, at present they stood as a couple waiting to exchange rings and start a family of their own. They felt it as too good to be true that the thought of it all being a pleasant and fading dream kept crossing their minds.

"It's real", Taehyung said, feeling the warmth and pain from their firm grip confirm it for him, "We aren't a dream"

"When are you going to let him go?", Yoongi asked, turning back from the driver's seat.

"Does he really have to stay here with his parents for the night?", Taehyung looked so much in denial at the tradition that stopped them from staying together before the wedding.

"You guys have skipped lots already. Just two nights and you'll be together again", Hoseok convinced the younger to let go of his fiancé's hand.

With a reluctant pout Taehyung nodded, "Turn the car around then. I'll send him off within that"

Jimin chuckled.

Both got down and stood facing each other, still holding hands. One was still pouting and the other kept smiling at the other's reluctance.

"I'll be fine", the older assured.

"Make sure to cover yourself well while sleeping. Before that don't forget to take your tablets. Call me if you need something", Taehyung recalled everything he would take care of before bedtime. His creased forehead didn't seem to relax as he spoke.

"You'll come here even if it's past midnight?"

"I will. So call me even if you don't need anything", Taehyung leaned in to leave a soft peck on his omega's smile and got down in one knee to hug his babies in the tummy.

"Goodnight bear cubs"

He got used to falling asleep beside Jimin both physically and mentally that reaching sleep in his grandmother's house, alone in a bed, that he had dozed off without difficulty before, suddenly needed extra effort.

The house in the flower shop was cleaned and made comfortable for the Park family to spend the night there. In consideration that it would be convenient for them to reach the church and rehearsal dinner at ease.

Getting into the covers of the futon laid out for Jimin in Taehyung's old room, he pulled out his phone and opened discord, where the channel he had created with his alpha, "Amour", showed Taehyung already logged in the chat.

"Little star", was playing on.

"Took your tablets?"


"Warm enough?"


"Need anything else?"


"What is it?"


"Yeah me too", Taehyung sighed.

They fell asleep in the company of their favorite songs playing through the night.

A homely church placed itself in the center of two old oak trees, whose broad branches hovered over it's open gable wooden roof and was welcomed by a stone path that was bordered with dwarf bushes.

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