🌵chapter 15

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Jimin walked out of his room, carrying a stack of books for his classes that week. He had a lot of lessons to catch up on.

"Jihun-ah, open the door", he heard Kyungha call his brother from the other side of the corridor. She was standing outside the younger's room holding a tray with dinner on it.

"Is everything alright, Ahjumma?", Jimin walked over to her and the troubled look on her face answered him.

"He hasn't had his dinner yet and he won't open the door also", she worried.

This time Jimin tapped on the door.

At once the younger swung it open with a shout, "I told you I'm not hungr-"

Jihun stopped yelling on seeing his brother and silently went back inside leaving the door open for him.

Jimin motioned Kyungha to bring the food in and assured her he would make sure the younger ate his dinner. She left nodding with a smile.

"Aren't you hungry?", the older asked his brother who sat stiff in his chair trying to concentrate in his studies.

There were all kinds of textbooks opened on the desk and his pencil pouch and it's contents were scattered all over. His desk was a mess.

"Reading all subjects at once huh? Impressive", Jimin joked but received only a tired sigh from the other.

"Alright", he announced loudly and sat on the bed in the middle of the room facing his brother, "I'm all ears. Rant all you want"

Jihun turned around in his chair and smiled sadly, "Ranting huh? It's more of like a preparation for defeat"

Jimin looked at him with a patient gaze asking him to continue and so Jihun told him about his date with Mina and the guy who she called oppa with a look in her eyes full of love that didn't seem like it would fade away any time soon.

"She is trying hard to forget him. I know that but-"

"And you?", Jimin interuppted.

"I'm trying my best too, hyung", Jihun insisted.

"In what? To help her forget him or to love her?", he asked.

The younger fell silent.

He had always stuck by Mina's side when she looked troubled. He had opened his arms so she could cry safely. He has been looking at her with a smile from afar. Now that he has the chance to stand beside her, he still did the same. He let her walk in front of him and only looked at her smiles that she directed at what layed in front of her. And it wasn't him.

He doesn't remember much of her smiles at him because he always made sure to walk behind her. He forgot to be a little selfish for his own love.

"Jihun-ah, when a person who loves you smiles at you", Jimin said, "you know right away that the smile is special. And unconsciously, your mind and heart get a little greedy to see the same kind of smile always"

Jihun thought about the times Mina had indeed smiled at him. He questioned himself if he ever felt special by it but he sure felt bitter at her smiles towards the other guy. Jealous?

"I had no chance from the start huh?", he scoffed.

Jimin shook his head. "You still have got two more dates with her. Make her look at you not by turning around but to her side. Love her from her side and", he walked up to his brother, "It's okay to be selfish once in a while"

Jihun nodded managing a smile, "From her side"

"That's my brother. Now eat your dinner and sleep early. I've gotta go because I've got a date with my boyfriend tomorrow", he winked.

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