I'm Sorry...What?

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You didn't realize how long you had been sitting in silence staring at them until Adam called your name again. 

"(Y/N)? Is that a no?" He asked nervously.

You just kept staring. Live with Adam? Live with him? Your heart was racing. Leave Long Island? Like permanently leave your apartment and move in with a hot celebrity who you have a total fucking crush on and help him raise his son. What the fuck was happening? You loved your apartment and independence. Would moving in mean you have to work all the time? How does this even work?

"I uhh...What are the stipulations?" You finally blurted.

"As far as what?" Adam asked confused.

"Sorry, I mean, there has to be boundaries right? Obviously my job and pleasure is to help your family and Connor and make sure he is ok. But by moving in I feel there would be blurred lines. Would I be expected to work all the time? What about weekends? I usually spend them with my parents, is that not allowed anymore? What about nights after my usual end of the 'work' day and I wanted to go out with friends? Is that ok? I think there just needs to be a lot more clarification, for both of our sakes."

Joanne laughed, "Sweetheart, you're so cute. Of course you can still have your own life and weekends! Nothing about that is changing, it'll just be easier for Adam and Connor if you were there in case Adam can't be home right away."

Your shoulders dropped in relief. You took a deep breath and pondered for a moment. You hadn't even considered the fact that you'd be living with Adam Driver and seeing him all the time, sleeping only a room away from him. How could you say no?

"Okay," You finally said, "I'll do it. I love you guys and want to help as much as I can. You've been so great to me, it's the least I could do." 

Adam and Joanne both perked up in excitement. Adam's mood shifted almost immediately, he became so much happier. It made you feel special that they trusted you so much, and you were happy you could help their family at this hard time. Your mind when straight to Connor, you became sad for him that his parents were splitting, he didn't deserve to have his life disheveled. You made a promise to yourself right there you'd protect him any way you could.

You all finished your dinner, you and Adam said goodnight to Joanne and parted ways. You were sad Joanne was moving out, you liked her a lot, she was a great mom and person. Your heart ached for Adam, you couldn't imagine what he was going through. You wondered what had happened that led to this, you hadn't notice them fight even once, it didn't make sense. Then again, you weren't around after 6 when they were together, so you'd had no idea what went on after you were gone. 

Adam gave you a hand into the car, you were nervous it would be quiet again the whole ride, until he broke the silence.

"The babysitter is covered for the entire night. Did you want to go to your apartment and pick up some things? I'll go with you." He asked hopefully.

Oh god. You thought. Your apartment was probably a mess, no way you'd want Adam to see it like that.

"I will only agree to that if you promise to have your eyes closed the entire time you are in my apartment because I make no guarantees that it is clean." You joked, even though part of you was serious. 

Adam laughed and agreed, you gave the driver your address and off you went. It was about an hour from where you were right now, you had gone to dinner in Manhattan, so it was a little further. You and Adam talked the whole way about random things like music, movies, etc. You asked him about his life before he was an Actor and such. He was so interesting, he spoke so eloquently, and you loved his deep voice. It turned you on. 

When the driver pulled up to your apartment you got nervous, you never anticipated that Adam Driver would ever step foot into your tiny one bedroom. You couldn't help feeling embarrassed that he'd see your dinky place when he had such a beautiful home. You invited the driver in for some coffee, feeling bad he had to take an unexpected long trip.

The three of you went in, Adam was immediately drawn to your drawings on the wall.

"Did you make these?" He asked curiously.

"Yes. I don't typically frame my own work, I promise I'm not that narcissistic. But these ones are my mom's favorites, so she framed them for me to hang." 

"I love them. You'll have to draw me something to hang some time." Your heart thudded against your chest. You'd wish he'd stop being so nice so you wouldn't swoon over him, but you loved it.

You made some coffee for everyone and sat at your kitchen table and talked for a while. You learned the driver's name was Marcus, he was from New Jersey. He was a very kind older man, probably in his 50s's, he was quiet, but he lit up at certain topics of conversation, specifically dogs.

You gathered some things into boxes, clothes, your laptop, chargers, etc. The basics of what you'd need, the rest you can come back for another time. By the time you were done it was already 3 a.m. and you'd felt bad for Marcus, he was visibly exhausted. Without even thinking you blurted out,

"Would you guys want to stay here? One of you can take the bed, I have two couches here I don't mind sleeping on one of them. It's late, I'd feel bad having you drive all the way to Brooklyn and then back to Jersey."

They both looked at you confused, looked at each other confused, and then shrugged their shoulders and said ok. You didn't expect that to go that easily. You grabbed some extra pillows and threw on new covers so that they were clean. Adam was huge, so you and Marcus agreed to each have a couch and he could have the bed, since there was no way he was fitting on these small couches.

The three of you stayed up for another hour chatting and watching an episode of Friends, you fell asleep pretty quickly in the middle of the episode. You didn't even wake up when Adam had picked you up and carried you into bed.

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