The News

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You and Adam had been struggling to figure out how you were going to tell your family and Joanne about your pregnancy. Adam had insisted you go to an OB/GYN to get your first checkup as soon as you got back to New York, to see how the pregnancy was progressing. The doctor told you you were about 8 weeks along and the fetus was healthy, but you should be cautious about telling anyone until your second trimester, to make sure you were out of the "danger zone". Realistically, miscarriages could happen at any time, which made you extremely nervous. You would be mortified if your body couldn't take care of your baby.

Adam had been such a huge support system the last few months, between taking you to your doctors appointments, taking birthing classes with you, always making sure you were taking your prenatal vitamins and eating healthy, you couldn't have asked for a better partner.

Surprisingly enough, you were 20 weeks in and just now starting to show, your belly felt like it grew overnight. The soctor said your pregnancy was progressing beautifully and the baby was healthy. You and Adam watched the monitor in awe of your little baby. Even though he had been through this before with Connor, he was just as emotional, like it was his first time all over agin. You both couldn't help but hold each other and cry  

"Do you want to know the sex of your baby?" You and Adam looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes, please, Doctor." Adam said frantically, he couldn't wait anymore.

"It's a girl!" She exclaimed.

You and Adam nearly fainted you were so excited. It was all becoming too real too fast, in 4 short months you'd have your precious girl in your arms. You knew it was time to tell your families.

Adam invited everyone over for a Sunday brunch, which wasn't out of the ordinary. Adam had been inviting your parents over frequently since you had been together, you loved his commitment to family. Since it was April the days were still chilly, so you found an oversized sweater to wear that just slightly  hugged your stomach, you barely looked pregnant at all the way it masked your curves.

Today was more laid back, since neither of you felt like cooking you had a local Mexican restaurant cater the brunch, they had fresh guacamole, mimosas, breakfast burritos, french toast, everything you could think of. Everyone was pleased with their food, especially with the Mimosas, you wished you could have one too but you had Adam pour you a glass of orange juice, as not to look out of place so no one would question you.

You and Adam had been careful not to talk about the baby in front of Connor, he was incredibly smart and you worried he may accidentally say something on the day's he spent with Joanne, and you couldn't risk her finding out like that.

At one point your mom pulled you into the living room away from everyone to talk.

"Ok, spill it."

"Spill what, mom?"

"Your boobs are huge, you keep touching your stomach and your skin is flawless, as far as I've known you it has never looked better. You're pregnant aren't you?"

Your face turned beet red and your eyes started to water

"I wanted to tell you sooner, mom. I just didn't know how to. I didn't want you and dad to be mad at me. That's why we brought you all here today, to tell you."

Your mom gave a soft laugh and brought you in for a hug. "Sweetheart we would never be mad at you, Adam is a wonderful man, and an even better father, that has never been a doubt in our minds. I couldn't be happier for you. I'm going to be a grandma!" She whispered softly. You were so relieved at your moms reaction, you wished you told her sooner so you could talk about pregnancy things and bond with her over it, you felt guilty for keeping her in the dark during such a monumental time.

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