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You shook Adam to wake him up and show him what had happened.

"What? What's wrong, are you ok?"

"Look at this" you handed him your phone

He grabbed your phone and squinted, adjusting to the bright screen in the darkness. He read through all the headlines before looking at you

"Baby, don't pay any mind to these articles. They mean nothing they're always based off of lies and interpretations. Don't let it get to you."

"Oh, I don't care about what they write in the article. I care about how they found out. I haven't left the house visibly showing my belly, no one has even seen me until today. Every single article says an inside source, and has no photos of me in it. Who do you think would've given that information, Adam? Take a wild fucking guess."

"(y/n), I don't think Joanne would go that far."

"You don't? After her whole rant about how her image was going to be ruined, so she runs right to the press essentially saying you're having a hate child with me to get back at me and make me look like a pathetic moron."

Adam considered what you said for a moment then texted his publicist.

"I'll have my publicist handle this, please try and get some sleep, it'll blow over before you know it, it always does."

You didn't say anything, you weren't in the mood to fight with Adam. You were too physically and emotionally exhausted, so you turned over and spent the rest of the night staring at the wall, contemplating how complicated your life had become so quickly.

At some point you had fallen asleep, because when you woke up Adam wasn't in bed anymore. You looked at the time on your phone, it was 3 in the afternoon. Connor! you thought.

You rushed out of bed into Connor's room but he wasn't in there, then you heard a woman laughing downstairs and decided to follow the sound.
Downstairs was Adam, Connor and a brown haired woman you didn't recognize, they were sitting in the kitchen laughing over their conversation.

Adam noticed you and quickly came up to meet you at your side

"(y/n) this is my publicist, Diane Nichols. Diane, this is my girlfriend, (y/n)."

"So nice to meet you, Diane. I'm sorry, I didn't realize what time I had slept to. Can I get you anything?"

"No, no, don't worry about it at all, thank you though. Let's talk about you, shall we?" Diane motioned to the seat next to her.

You sat down and Connor wiggled in his chair reaching for you, Adam picked him up and put him in your lap as Diane talked you through how the whole process works with the tabloids.

"So I reached out to a few connections at some of the companies that ran those headlines, 2 out of the 3 of them confirmed off the record that they did get their information Joanne. I can imagine how stressful this situation is for you, and you deserved a better birth announcement than the one she made. If you're comfortable with it, I'd like to run something by you to try and regain what she stripped you of."

You nodded, indicating for her to proceed.

"I think you and Adam should go out in public, go on a date, take a walk, be your happy selves, own your pregnancy and show people your relationship is more real than a bashful headline. The thing about these media hubs, is that the happier you seem, the more you ignore the hateful words, the quicker they get over it."

You looked at Adam, who seemed pleased with what Diane suggested. He trusted her a lot, and she had been successful in keeping a majority of Adam's life under wraps, so you agreed to go through with her plan.

You're Mine (Adam Driver x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now