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When you woke up you were in a hospital room. You don't remember getting there, or how long you had been there for. To the right was the entrance to the room and a bathroom, and on the left were machines and a your handsome boyfriend, who had fallen asleep in a chair hunched over with his arms across his chest.

"Adam." You whispered

He couldn't hear you, you tried to be a little louder but everything on your body ached.


He jolted awake and ran to your side when he saw you had also woken up. He had a combination of relief and panic on his face, you noticed his eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying.

"(y/n), hi baby, how do you feel?" he said while lightly caressing the top of your head.

"Everything hurts, I feel sore. How did I get here? Is the baby okay?"

"The baby is just fine, you're both going to be just fine, don't worry about anything."

"Where's Connor?"

"He's with your parents on Long Island."

"Oh...why isn't he with Joanne?"

Adam winced at her name, "You just rest baby. Everyone is fine there's no reason for you to worry."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About a week...they had to put you into a medically induced coma to make sure your body could heal safely with the baby."

A week? A coma? Adam could see your face turn scared and anxious at the last bit.

"Adam, what about..."

"She's dead. She will never hurt you again."

That statement would have normally scared you, or made you sad because someone's life had been taken, but you didn't care. You hated Andrea, she was a nuisance in Adam's life for longer than you had known him, and was crazy enough to try and kill you and your unborn baby just to be with him. You remembered the large gash she had left on your stomach. You lifted the hospital blanket and gown to see how bad it was, but there was too much gauze to inspect.

A young male doctor came in, he couldn't have been more than 35, he had red hair and was about Adam's height.

"Hello, Ms. (y/l/n), I'm happy to see you've woken. My name is Dr. Thompson, how are you feeling?"

"Im ok, thank you. How bad is this gash? Is it going so scar? Do I have to worry about my belly growing with the baby?"

"Those are valid concerns. What we did was we sutured you your muscle and your deeper wounds, then we took what is essentially medical grade 'super-glue' to seal the layer of skin. You will be on bed rest for at least another 2 to 3 weeks at home, but after that you should be ok to do some light walking. Absolutely no lifting of any kind, no extended periods of time where you're on your feet. We want to reduce pressure on your abdomen as much as possible. You lost a significant amount of blood, which initially put your baby in distress, but we were able to do a transfusion so the baby is just fine now. I do still recommend increasing your iron intake for at least another week. However you chose to do so whether it is supplement or diet is fine.  Does that all make sense?"

"Yes, Doctor. Thank you so much."

"My pleasure, Ill have one of the nurses draw up your discharge papers so we can get you home. Mr. Driver could I speak to you outside for a moment?"

Adam gently kissed your forehead before leaving with the Doctor.


You and Dr. Thompson left the room and shut the door behind you.

You're Mine (Adam Driver x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now