The Nanny

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"Who is this?" He said politely.

"Honey, this is (y/n), she's a graduate looking for work as a Nanny." The woman said enthusiastically. "I'm so sorry, I realized I never gave you my name, my name is Joanne, this is my husband, Adam." 

"So nice to meet you both, you're a beautiful couple!" You said nervously.

"Likewise." Adam stated. "Where did you go to school?" He asked.

"Why don't you come inside, (y/n), you're probably bubbling out there in the heat." Joanne suggested.

You walked inside their home and immediately felt out of place. It was stunning. To the left was a dining room with a long black table and black chairs. In front of you was a massive open staircase leading up to the second floor, to the right was their living room, it had white sofa's and a massive flat screen mounted on the wall, next to it were floating bookshelves with hundreds of books and photos of their family.

Your gawking was interrupted by a little boy, no older than 2 stumbling up from the living room floor. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes and the cutest chubby cheeks. He was wearing tan shorts and a white and blue striped t-shirt. 

"(y/n) this is our son, Connor." Adam said, just as he turned and walked into the kitchen in the back of the house.

"Hi, Connor!" You walked over to him and kneeled down to his level. He was about to trip over some toys when you caught him. He started giggling and you couldn't help but smile, his laugh was contagious. He took interest in the necklace you were wearing, your mom had given it to you for graduation, it was a beautiful crystal heart. You adored it, thinking about it made you miss her, even though she wasn't far away, you loved seeing her and talking to her, she was the easiest person to talk to, and always supported you.

Joanne came over and picked him up, telling him in a soft voice he was so silly and had to be more careful. Adam came back in the room with a tray of glasses that each had some iced lemon water in it. He handed you your glass, you thanked him, and caught yourself in awe of how big his hands were in comparison to the glass. 

Get your head out of the gutter. You thought to yourself.

Joanne put Connor back on the carpet to play, you answered more questions about school, internships, work experience, etc., so that they could get a gist of who you were. As you were talking to them you were playing with Connor, teaching him how to put the different shapes of blocks into the corresponding holes. Despite the fact you had only been with him for 20 minutes, you could tell he was so bright, he immediately would recognize when the shapes wouldn't fit and twist and turn to make it fit. With two year olds it's important to develop their fine motor skills so that they can learn tasks like these.

Joanne was telling you about her pregnancy with Connor, and how adorably nervous Adam was to become a father. She was beaming as she talked about it. You looked over at Adam to see his reaction to the happy memories and his face was blank, just watching you play with Connor. He elbows were resting on his knees as he sat on the couch, he was wearing a dark grey t-shirt and black jeans. You liked the way the sleeves molded to his big arms, and how his jeans were tight enough that you could see the outlines of his quads and calves, but not enough that he looked like he was stuffed in it, he looked so good.

After about an hour of chatting and playing with Connor, Adam and Joanne went into the kitchen to chat to talk about whether or not they would require your services. Connor kept trying to say your name and was just babbling silly variations of it, it was so cute, you already felt attached to him. It was a fault of yours, you loved kids, you felt a connection to every one you met. You'd started to become upset that you hadn't had a stable boyfriend since your undergrad year, and worried your time was running out to have kids. Would you ever become a mother? Even if you did would you be one of those moms who has a kid in middle school and is already in her 50's? You wanted to be the cute, fun Mom, not the old mom. 

Joanne and Adam came back and saw Connor sitting in your lap babbling random conversation with you, he was giggling and you were absolutely delighted at how easy he was. They looked at each other and smiled, then got your attention. 

"(Y/n)?" Joanne prompted.

"Oh, hi! Sorry, we were having a very serious conversation." You joked, smiling.

"(Y/n) we'd like to hire you to be our Nanny, full time. Adam has a couple of auditions coming up, and I have some work to do with our Non-profit so we think we would benefit greatly by having you here." 

You shot up, holding Connor on your hip. "Wow! Thank you so much, I'm so grateful." You expressed excitedly. "Though I've only been with you all even an hour, I can tell we are going to work really well together, and I look forward to helping you two, and Connor grow as a family. I would love to go over lesson plans as soon as you are ready!" 

Adam and Joanne started laughing at how proactive you were, they liked that you were so passionate about helping them. 

"Great! Let's work out a schedule and pay." Joanne said.

You were so excited, the first thing you wanted to do was text your parents and your best friends to tell them you found the best family and are an official Nanny. Your mind automatically jumped to realizing that if you were going to be successful in this job, you'd have to shove all thoughts of how attractive Adam was out of your head.

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