'Tis The Season

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It was Christmas morning, you woke up early full of energy, excited to get the day started. Christmas was your favorite holiday, it evoked the happiest memories of your childhood of sitting around watching Rudolph and drinking egg nog with your family. You parents and sister were coming over today, along with Joanne and her adulterer accomplice, who's identity was still unknown to you.

It was about 7:00 am, Connor wouldn't be awake for at least another hour, and no one was coming until 3:00 pm, so you had plenty of time to get the house ready and start cooking. You gave Adam a small kiss on the top of his head before getting out of bed. He looked so cute with his dark hair splayed all over the pillow and lips slightly parted, he had always looked so peaceful when he slept. 

You went downstairs and started putting the gifts for everyone under the tree. You were so excited for Adam to get his gift from 'Connor'. Part of you wished that you could swoon over Adam today, show him off to your family so they could see how much you loved each other, but Adam hadn't yet told Joanne, and although she didn't deserve an explanation from him, he was old fashioned and still liked to do things the right way.

It was 10:00 am and you hadn't heard Connor wake up on the monitor yet, which was extremely unlike him. He woke up at 8:00am like clockwork. You finished up the decorating and made your way upstairs to Connor's room to check on him. Your heart burst when you looked in his room.

Adam was asleep on the rocking chair with Connor in his arms. Connor looked small in your arms, but even smaller in Adams. His little head was resting on Adam's shoulder, his hair sweaty and sticking to his forehead. They both had crazy morning hair and slept with their mouths slightly opened, like father like son. You slowly crept out to get your phone to take a picture, they looked so beautiful, and the moment was so pure that you were sure Adam would want it captured.

You forgot to turn your sound off, so when you took the picture the shutter noise went off and Adam opened his eyes. You smiled at him, embarrassed he caught you. He blinked a few times to focus then looked down at Connor and his face flushed bright red at the sight of his son.

"You two sleep the exact same way, he's your little mini-me." You say softly.

He smiles at you before getting up and walking Connor over to you. You both knew you had to wake him up if he was going to sleep properly tonight. You and Adam both gave him a soft kiss on his head and cheek, his little hazel eyes fluttered open and he grinned when he saw you.

"Mama!" He said.

You and Adam looked at each other in complete shock, your heart beamed with love, but you knew it wasn't right for him to think of you as his mother. He had a mother, and though you had little respect for her at the moment, she didn't deserve her title to be stripped. 

"No, baby. It's me, (y/n)." You tell him in a hushed voice, as you stroke his cheek with your finger.

He starts reaching out for you, trying to get out of Adam's arms and into yours. Adam smiles and hands him over to you.

"Do my boys want some breakfast?" 

"Yes, I think we do! Right buddy?" Adam asks.

Connor nods a few times enthusiastically and the three of you make your way downstairs for some  pancakes.

It was 2:30 and your guests would be arriving within the hour, you couldn't helped but be nervous, having your family and Joanne all around felt overwhelming, especially when all you wanted to do was hug and kiss Adam, but you had to act neutral and professional. 

You finished getting dressed and checked yourself in the mirror. You had on a red long sleeve sweater dress that hugged your curves nicely, and a gold necklace Adam had gotten you as a thank you a few months back for everything you've done for him and Connor. You paired it with the same black booties you had worn the night Adam had saved you at the bar. You smiled thinking about the night you gave yourselves to each other, it would forever be your favorite. You came out of the bathroom and your eyes darted right to Adam, he was wearing a red button up and black slacks, you both kind of matched. Symbolic, you thought to yourself. 

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