He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not...

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Adam puts you in his car, buckles you in and revs the engine, he speeds off towards home.

Home. You're so happy you get to call his house home, where you both live, and Connor.

You look over at him, he's got one hand on the wheel, the other is holding his head up, leaned a against the window. He looked really tense, you figured he was mad at you for making him come out at night.

"I'm sorry..." You trailed.

He looked at you, startled at your voice, he was clearly deep in thought.

"You have nothing to apologize for, love. I'm glad you called me." His voice quiet, kind.

"Do you want to stop and get some food? I think you need it, and I am no good at cooking." He joked.

He was so cute, you were so happy he found you.

"Yes, that sounds nice." You said, smiling.

You stopped at a diner and ate. You wanted to keep apologizing throughout the meal for making him come out, and being mean to him, and storming off earlier. You'd felt bad, but the food sobered you up and you realized you still didn't have any answers. You knew he cared about you, but was it as deeply as you did for him? Was he attracted to you the same way you were to him? There's so much you still wanted to know. But the diner was not the place to talk about it.

When you got in the car, sober version of you decided to take the reigns and start asking questions.

"So about everything I said on the phone..." You started.


"Well... I'm sorry I stormed off on you before I left. I was confused by what you had said."

"What did I say to confuse you?" He asked, not wavering eye contact from the road.

"When you said it wouldn't happen again."

He didn't answer, he looked like he was thinking, so you continued.

"I think about you all the time, and that night that we kissed, I wasn't uncomfortable. I was so happy, I felt ecstatic that you'd even want to kiss me. Even tonight, the entire night all I thought about was you, and wishing you were with me, and what I'd do if you were..."

We pulled up to a red light, and Adam stopped. He looked at you, you couldn't read his expression, and you certainly couldn't tell if he was happy or completely turned off by what you were saying. His deep brown eyes were just panning over your face, his one hand still on the wheel, his other on the shifter. You noticed he had an affinity for not driving with both hands.

You looked away from his intense gaze and looked out your window. You could see the Empire State Building, it was so beautiful in the dark. Despite how many times you'd seen it in your 25 years, you never got tired of the view.

The light turns green and your view of the Empire State Building fades behind some other buildings. You feel Adam's hand on your thigh, those familiar spine shivers come rushing back and you gasp. You need to stop gasping at everything he does, its embarrassing, you think to yourself. 

He doesn't say anything, but you can see his edges of his lips turned up in a smirk. He knows how to get to you, and is fully aware of what he does to you. What did this mean? 

You take his hand and push it up your thigh under your dress, his eyes still fixated on the road. You were close to home.

"What color do you think I'm wearing?" You prompt him.

"What color, what?" He asks, confused.


He gets a grin on his face, sighs and thinks for a moment.

"Black." He states confidently.


He laughs, "Ok, what color then?" 

"There is no color."

He turned and looked at you, nearly swerving into the curb. You coax his hand further up your dress, until he can feel your bare skin, proving you were not wearing anything under your dress.

Without saying a word, he starts feeling you, gently caressing the outside of your lips, then working his way around your clit. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the way he felt touching you, your breathing heavy, the same way it was when he kissed you that night. Your back arches against the seat, he feels so good against you, teasing you slowly. You wanted him, right here.

Next thing you know, the car and the pleasure you feel stop almost simultaneously. You open your eyes and you're home. Adam leans towards you, grabs the back of your neck, gently pulls you towards him and says,

"If you're a good girl, we'll continue this in bed." Before gently kissing your forehead and exiting the car.

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