I Love You

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** NOTE ** From the bottom of my heart I am so sorry I left you guys hanging for 10 days! If I'm being honest...aside from work I was just not feeling inspired to write lately.  But I'm back now and trying to get as much writing done as possible for you guys.


The first 3 months of raising Mia have been the most exhausting and rewarding times for you and Adam. Not only had it tested your mental and emotional well being, but it tested your relationship with Adam too.

Adam at least had the experience of first raising Connor with her, you hadn't had that. Sure, you worked with children as a profession, but raising one is completely different. But, despite everything, Adam had been the best partner and father you could ask for. He regularly would get up in the middle of the night if Mia cried so you could sleep, would take her for a little while during the afternoons so you could breathe for a moment. You felt like you didn't deserve how easy he was making it on you. He had also hired a personal trainer for you so you could gain some of your strength back after your pregnancy. You hadn't put on any more weight than normal during the pregnancy, which you were thankful for, but you didn't oppose to getting back to your pre-pregnancy body, either. Luckily for you, you bounced back almost seamlessly in the last three months.

You and Adam would take Connor and Mia to your parents on Long Island most weekends so that they could spend time with their grandchildren. They had basically considered Connor their grandchild as well, despite the fact he was not blood relation. You loved how easily they melted into your new life and never judged you, or Adam or Connor for how everything has played out. Part of you wondered if it would always be this nice, or if something was going to happen to rip your happy life from you.

Neither you nor Adam had heard anything from Joanne for months, though you did read in a few buzz articles that she had gone on a bender in Bali with some random guys around your age. It pissed you off more than anything that she could abandon Connor like that, not that he particularly noticed, but it was still wrong for a mother to put up no fight for her child. You could never do that to Connor or Mia.

You were downstairs making lunch for Connor and Mia when you felt strong hands on your waist spin you around. You turn around to look at the handsome man that towered over you with his soft eyes and dark hair. Despite how long you had been together now, and the fact you see him everyday, your heart still skipped a beat when you saw him. Adam planted a soft kiss on your lips as he pulled you closer to him.

"Ahh...the beautiful mother of my daughter and mother to my son." He smiled.

"As far as I'm concerned I am the most mother Connor will have and that is fine with me" You replied. Remembering how he had called you 'mama' when you first started working for Adam and Joanne. You thought quite often about returning to work, now that you were no longer working for Adam, you had to find another steady job, even though it tore you up inside to think about leaving Mia.

Adam walked over to Mia who was in her high chair and kissed the top of her head, she always giggled whenever Adam was around, she definitely loved him as much as you did. He then went over to Connor who was drawing on the kitchen table.

"What are you drawing there, bud?"

Connor's face was intense while he drew, hew as always hyper-focused with everything he did. 

"A picture of you, me, mommy and Mia." 

You looked over at Adam, who waved you over to where they were. You put down the knife you were cutting up the vegetables with and made your way over there. Preparing yourself to see a family photo with Joanne.

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