Say That You Love Me

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The next few weeks had been a daze, you were so elated about your life with Adam and Connor that you forgot to be logical about the situation. You couldn't help but feel slightly guilty thinking you were betraying Joanne. She had hired you and trusted you with her family and now you were fucking her ex-husband. You felt a little ashamed, and hoped that she wouldn't find out and demand you stop watching Connor. 

Your routine had been the same with Connor, and he was progressing so flawlessly through your lesson plans. Adam was gone a lot more during the day, and wasn't getting home until later around 7 pm. He was spending a lot of time going to various auditions and meetings his agent had set up for him, but you could often tell it was taking a toll on him when he was rejected. You didn't understand how someone who was in such big named movies could be turned down.

Truth be told, you had never watched any of his work, but you didn't need to to know how talented he was. Maybe you'd ask him tonight if he'd watch one with you, so you could see him in action. Though, the thought of having to watch him be intimate with anyone else made your stomach churn at this point. 

Connor had just woken up from his nap when you decided to take him out to go Christmas shopping, you wanted to get Adam a gift 'from Connor'. There was only a few weeks until Christmas, so you layered Connor up and put on his boots then had Marcus take you both around.

You went to local shops, trying to stray away from the populated tourist areas. You were about to give up when you saw a small shop that was offering customizable gifts. You pushed Connor's stroller in there and wandered around, it was already 4 o'clock so you wanted to make sure you gave yourself enough time to get home and make dinner, plus Connor was getting fussy in his stroller.

The woman behind the counter offered to help, showing the popular gifts this year. You came across a black silk tie that you could personalize in writing on the back. You asked the woman to write "I Love You, Daddy." on the tie. You figured Adam could wear it to to special events and think of Connor. You matched it with a pair of silver cufflinks in the shape of 'C's.  You were pleased, and hoped he would love it.

You'd asked Marcus if he wanted to stay for dinner but he insisted on getting home to watch one of his weekly shows. He was such a cute, simple man, you wondered what his family was like. 

Adam got home at 8 as you were putting Connor to bed. You heard him come through the front door, but you were rocking Connor to sleep in his room and didn't want to disrupt him. You sang him, "You are my sunshine" as your mother had sung to you as a child, you hoped it comforted him as much as it did you. Slowly but surely, his eyes started to wear heavy and he was asleep on your shoulder. You didn't want to put him in the crib yet, you were so content holding him, so you sat in his rocking chair humming the same song and holding him as if he were a newborn. He was still so small, even in your arms, you wished he'd stay that way for a long time.

Adam came upstairs after a while and found you and Connor in Connor's room, he leaned in the doorway smiling at you both. You didn't notice he was there for a few seconds because you were watching Connor asleep in your arms peacefully.  You looked up and saw him standing there in one of his suits, looking so handsome. In that moment you didn't feel anything but love, for Connor and Adam. You loved them, you loved them with your whole heart and couldn't bear the thought of not having them in your life. Hot tears stung and welled up in your eyes, you composed yourself for a moment so you wouldn't sob holding Connor, and put him in his crib. Adam came up behind you and hugged you at your waist.

"How was your day my love?" He asked.

You couldn't even answer him, you were so emotional you started to uncontrollably sob in his arms. How did I get this lucky? I know the circumstances were unfortunate and we could probably never be together, out of respect to Joanne, but I loved Adam so much, and I couldn't comprehend the thought of him being anyone else's but mine. You thought to yourself.

Adam looked at you with absolute sorrow on his face, he held your shoulders and pulled you out of his chest so he could look at you.

"Baby, whats wrong? What happened?" He coerced.

"I...I'm just so happy. Im afraid of losing you and Connor, I don't know what to do, or how to feel. I cant bear the thought of not having you in my life." You whined.

"Why would you even say that? We're not going anywhere, did something happen?"

"No, nothing happened. I just had the most special day with him, and as I was holding him rocking him to sleep I realized how much I love him, and how much I" You looked up at him, terrified for how he would react and expecting complete rejection.

He didn't say anything for a moment, he just softly smiled at you and wiped your tears away with his thumb. 

"Do not worry about things that you can't control, you'll drive yourself crazy."

You waited, hoping he'd say more and not ignore the more pertinent aspect of what you just said.

"More importantly, do not ever question how much I love you. Because I do, (y/n), I love you so much."

Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. Did he really just say he loved you? Is this real? You stood on the furthest point of your tippy toes to try and kiss him, but he was so tall he had to hoist you up and hold you. 

The kiss felt as special as the first time. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world. After a minute he set you down and kissed your forehead gently before speaking.

"I never told you the reason me and Joanne got divorced." He said dryly.

"Yeah, I didn't want to ask and upset you." You replied

"The reason is...She was right in saying we're no longer compatible. I lost trust for her and I couldn't reagin it. She had betrayed me in a way that my heart couldn't repair. But repaired it so much that none of that hurts me anymore. You've been the brightest light in my life."

You smiled up at him, but that didn't fully explain what happened.

"What happened, babe?" You coaxed.

"She cheated on me with one of my co-stars. That's who she's living with in Manhattan now. It wasn't just once. If it were I would've found a way to mend and move on, but she did it multiple times. I couldn't forgive her. She was no longer the woman I fell in love with, started a life and family with, gave my entire self to. She was a stranger, and a liar." He spoke so clearly, not a shred of sadness in his voice, just stating it as if he was reading it out of a book.

You couldn't believe what he said, Joanne was so kind and selfless all the time, you'd have never thought she cheated. You couldn't even comprehend how someone could cheat on Adam, he was perfect. He was smart, funny, sexy, kind, anything a woman could want. You started feeling resent towards her, and all your feelings of guilt for being with her ex-husband faded. She didn't deserve him, but you did. You fixed his heart, you loved him as much as he loved you, and thats how it should be.

"Im so sorry, Adam. I can't imagine what you went through, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when it was going on. But I'm here now, and I want you to know I'd never do that to you. You're perfect for me and I have too much love for you to ever look in anyone else's direction."

He looked at you with tears in his eyes, you'd never seen him cry, or really get emotional at all, besides when you'd have sex and he'd get aggressive. You loved that he could be vulnerable with you, this was the most stable relationship you'd ever been in.

He hugged you tight to him, kissed the top of your forehead before collecting himself to say...

 "I do not deserve you, my love. You and Connor are my life." 

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