2 SEHUN Bias

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Sehun is tickling you on the couch cause you were making fun of his lisp. Then suddenly, a knock heard on you front door.

"W-wait Jagi, There's someone on the door." You both come to the front door and saw a middle aged woman and a Kid on her mother's arm.

"Yes Mrs.Kang How can we help you?" Mrs.Kang smiled.

"Uhm.. Kids can you do me a favor? My daughter is alone now cause I have a job to do. No one can guide her at home so can you please baby sit her for a while? I'll come back on 8pm." You two nodded and Mrs.Kang kissed her daughter's head. "Please take care of Yerin." She bid a goodbye to you and her daughter and you closed the door.

You carried the little girl and you asked her what she want. She pointed on the juice in the living room desk. You followed her pointing finger and analized that she's pointing on the juice that you've been drinking a while ago. you placed her on the couch and handed her the juice but when she sipped on it her face makes you and Sehun laughed at her.

"Hhahahaha... Yerin-ah you're so cute." You pinched her cheeks. Sehun who is in the couch laughed louder than yours.Then Sehun got an Idea. He grab the fruit in the fridge and gave it to Yerin. Yerin ate it and make a face again.

You both laughed your butts off and suddenly Yerin sneezed. You both stopped laughing and Sehun carried her and placed her to his lap while you wiped away the dirt on her face.

"Yerin-ah is that fruit delicious?" Sehun asked.

"mam mam mamm." she mumbled.You get a glass of water and make her drink it.

"So.. What are we gonna do now?" You asked Sehun.

"Maybe we can stroll along the park. Kids like Yerin likes Parks." You nodded and headed to your closet to dress up.

After you dressed up you locked the door and you all walked to the park. You st on the bench while Sehun hold a flower and gave it to Yerin.

"Yerin-ah, can you give it to unnie there?" he pointed at you. Yerin glanced at you and get the flower. She run to get to be near to you.

You approached her and looked at Sehun's direction. You saw him smiling at you. You chuckled and carried Yerin to placed her into your lap. You get the beanie and placed it on her head.

"Yerin-ah Its cold. You should wear this okay."

"Neh.. Omma.." you laughed and pinched her cheeks.

"Aigoo.. kyeopta.." you smiled then Sehun sat beside you. Yerin pointed at Sehun and yelled.

"APPA!!" you both laughed and kissed both of her cheeks.

The night comes. Yerin was sleeping while sitting on your lap. Her head is on your chest. You caressed her back while looking at her sleeping.

"Wahh.. I wish I was a mother of this adorable baby." You whispered.

"We can make one then." He smirked. You rolled your eyes playfully.

"I'm still not ready Sehun-ah. You don't know how hard to give birth on a baby." He chuckled.

"Its okay Jagi. Atleast you give birth to an angel who you truly own." You smiled.

"You're right."

"So...can we make now?" you slapped his arm.

"Y-yah! neo byuntae!" he laughed.



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