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They had made it to the Byers, all regathered and to somewhat calm down from previous events. Will had been syringed and is lying on the couch, past out with Jonathan sitting next to him, Nancy stands behind Jonathan, tenderly putting his hand on her shoulder.

Meanwhile, Hailey was in Steve's arms, in the hallway. Hailey was trying to calm down, she felt like she was going to break at any moment, but being in Steve's arms somewhat helped her calm down. He'd whisper things to her, like; 'it's going to be okay,' every once and a while even though they both knew it wasn't.

He rubbed her shoulders gently as she sobbed quietly against his chest. Hopper next to them was on the phone angrily. "Sam Owens. Dr. Sam Owens. I don't know how many people were there! I don't know how many people are left alive!" Pause. "I am the police! Chief Jim Hopper! Yes, the number that I gave you, yes."

"Hey, let's go in the kitchen and see how the kids are holding up, yeah?" Steve questioned softly, gazing down at her. It hurt to see her cry, beautiful people like her shouldn't need to cry, he thought. He wanted to make her pain go away, but he knew he couldn't.

Hailey nods and wipes away her tears and pulls away from Steve. "T-thank you," she stutters out nervously, pulling down on her sleeves, biting her lower lip. Steve didn't say anything and held out his hand, she took it gladly and he guided her into the kitchen, passing Hopper.

Hailey glanced around. There had been papers amongst papers on the walls, it consisted the colours of blue, black, purple, and red. It almost looked like it was a tunnel everywhere in the house drawn on paper.

Hopper had hung up on the phone. Steve and Hailey stand behind the kids who were gathered at the table, Hailey snuggled into Steve, feeling somewhat relaxed in his touch. "They didn't believe you, did they?" Her brother asked, the other one standing as the others sit.

Hopper turned to them. "We'll see."

"We'll see?" Mike repeated. "We can't just sit here while those things are loose!"

Hopper stared down at Mike. "We stay here, and we wait for help." He then turned off sharply, going down the hallway that Steve and Hailey were just in, comforting each other. Dustin had taken a chair, Steve leans against the kitchen counter and Hailey had sat down on the floor against a wall, she closed her eyes and rested her head back.

Mike stares hopefully at the phone as time passes on before starring back at the stack of games' in the living room. He got out of his chair, pushing it back and walked towards the box of games, causing Hailey to open her eyes at the sudden movement.

She watched as Mike picks up a blue 3D cube puzzle from the top of the pile and gazes at it with sombre deference. "Did you guys know that Bob was the original founder of Hawkins' AV?" Mike stated allowed.

"Really?" Lucas was a little surprised, not knowing about this fact.

Mike turned to them. "He petitioned the school to start it and everything. Then he had a fun-raiser for equipment. Mr. Clarke learnt everything from him." Mike steps closer to his friends and reached the table. "Pretty awesome, right?"

"Yeah," Dustin and Lucas agreed in sync.

Mike placed the cube puzzle on the kitchen table. "We can't let him die in vain."

"What do you want to do, Mike?" Dustin had snapped, looking over at his friend. "The Chief's right on this. We can't stop those Demo-dogs on our own."

"Demo-dogs?" Hailey had questioned from the floor, everyone looked down at her. Since when did we name them Demo-dogs?

"Demogorgon dogs," Dustin stared at his sister like she was stupid. "Demo-dogs. It's like a compound. It's like play on words, come on, Hailey, you're smarter than this."

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