1st Day (continued)

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After 3rd period we had lunch and Jay was here with our food.
Bri: you wanna come with me to get the food
Ro: yeah
Bri: Lets go

As we're approaching the office I see Jay. He sees me too and starts waving eagerly. When Ro comes into view his jaw drops. He points at him and starts kissing his hand. I then flick him off and walk into the office.

Bri: Hey Jay this is Ro MY FRIEND!
Bri: Ro this is Jay my manager.
Jay : Hey nice to meet you
Ro: nice to meet you too
Jay: here's the food I'll pick you up later
Bri: k see you later
Jay: Bye
Bri: Byyyeeee. I say waving

As much as I love jay he can be a bit extra. But he's still been there for me through everything my mom put me through so I'm willing to take extra any day.

Bri: OMG he does too much
Roshaun laughs
Ro: He seems cool
Bri: yeah he is

We walk into the lunch room and all the guys are sitting at a table so we join them. I sit next to Alvaro and Ro sits next to me. I pass all the food out and they all thank me. Then we just start talking.

Ale: So hows your first day going?
Bri: It's been ok
Kai: And your classes
Bri: They're kinda hard because I'm a sophomore taking Junior classes
Mattia: You're a sophomore?
Ro: You didn't tell me that
Bri:Yeah I didn't think it was important.

Lunch is almost over so I go to the restroom so I don't have to go during class.

Bri: Ima go to the restroom
Everyone: K
Bri: Be right back

When I come back from the restroom I sit in my seat and grab my box of fries. But I see that there isn't any.

Bri: Who ate my fries
I look at Mattia and Kairi to see that there mouths were full.
Bri:y'all ate ma damn fries. I swear to god ima beat the crap out of y'all.
I then get up and start chasing after them. I run after Mattia first but I can't reach him cause he's too fast. So I go after Kairi. He's fast but not as fast as Mattia.

Bri: Bring your short ass over here Kairi
Kai: I'm not that small
Once I reach him I pull his hair back and squish his cheeks to see that there isn't anything in his mouth.
Bri: I fucking hate you. I say as I push him.
He sticks his tounge out and I pretend I'm about to hit him and he flinches. I laugh and walk back to the table with Kairi behind me. The bell rings and I grab my stuff and go to my next class. I walk into class and I see Alvaro and ..... Mattia. The boy who stole my fries (lowkey chic-fil-a is stingy with their fries).
I walk up to the teachers desk and tell her I'm new . She tells me what I need for her class and then says to sit next to Alvaro and Mattia.

Bri: Hey
Marttia: I have you for another class? He says annoyed.
Bri: sucks to be you

The lesson starts , we take notes and do a couple practice problems. The teacher gives us the rest of the period to do the worksheet. After a while of working on it Alvaro  and Mattia are on their phones. Alvaro scrolls past a video of someone doing smoking tricks.

Alvaro : lowkey I wanna try to do that
Alvaro: Mattia when's the last time you smoked
Mattia: I think it was last month
Alvaro: Bri do you smoke
Bri: yeah
Mattia: stop lying
Bri: I swear
Alvaro: When's the last time you smoked
I'm Bri: I think it was last month too
Mattia: isn't that bad for your voice
Bri: I mean it is but like sometimes I be going thru it and need a little stress reliever
Teacher: Hey focus on your work and not your conversation
Bri: Our convo is pretty interesting tho
Teacher: So is problem number 13
Bri: ok fine

The bell rang and I was off to my 5th period. I was walking with Mattia and Alvaro because their class was close to mine. I walked in and saw Ale and Kai. I sat in the seat next to them

Bri: Hey bitches
They both laugh
Teacher: Hola como estan (Hi how are you guys)
Bri: Estamos bien y tu(we're good and you)
Teacher: Estoy bien. Eres la nueva estudiante?( I'm good. Are you the new student)
Bri: si(yes)
Teacher:Bienvenido a la clase de español.(welcome to Spanish class)
Bri: Gracias(thank you)
Ale:No sabia que podias hablar español(I didn't know you could speak Spanish)
Bri: Hay muchas cosas que no sabes que puedo hacer(there's a lot of things you don't know I could do)
Kairi: You guys just had a whole conversation in front of me and I didn't understand any of it
Bri: You'll learn little buddy, you'll learn. I say patting his head.

5th period ends and 6th comes around. I don't have any of the boys for that class. So I didn't talk to anyone and kept to myself that class. Then it's time for 7th period and  I have all the boys for that class. The teacher was pretty cool and we all did our work and talked.

Ale: What do you guys wanna do after school today?
Alvaro: idk what do you wanna do
Ale: Maybe we should go to the diner
Bri: What's the diner
Kairi: oh right you don't know
Ro: this restaurant that has bomb ass food
Kai: yeah and it has a vintage vibe
Mattia: I'm down
Ale: Bri you should come?
Bri:  uhh yeah but can it be some time after 6 cuz I have dance practice
Mattia: well duh we have soccer practice til 6
Bri: well I didn't fucking know
Alvaro: how about 7?
Bri: yeah that's fine

7th period ended and my last period was dance. So I walked with the boys because there class was close to mine. Which was athletics where they practice for sports. After class was over I walked to the front of the school to wait for Jay when I seen the fry stealer himself.... Mattia.

Bri: Hey
Mattia: OMG you don't ever know how to not bother someone
Mattia: if I have my AirPods in I don't want to be talked to( it really be like that)
Bri: someone's on their period
Mattia: shut up

Just then Jay pulls up.

Bri: Bye Mattia see you later. I say with a smile

He just looks at me with a bitch face and I laugh as I get into the car.

Jay: so THAT'S your new boyfriend
Bri: Noooo that kid doesn't even like me
Jay: whatever you say
Bri: just take me home so I can shower

A/n:/// sorry if this was too long I just wanted to give y'all some more context on the different friendships. Please vote and comment. Also let me know if you guys like this story or have any suggestions I feel like I'm not doing a good job.

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