We Can Go Again

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The Next Day
Jay got back last night and he brought me to school. I was already running late so I couldn't meet up with the boys before class. I was super irritated so I wasn't having it. When I walk in guess who I see. Jenna. Sitting next to my seat. I ignore her and still walk to my seat. When I pass her she murmurs stupid comments.

Jenna: clout chaser
Jenna: bitch
Jenna: fake
Jenna: wack
Jenna: irrelevant
Jenna: dumb
Jenna: whore
Jenna : homie hopper
Bri: aye yo get ya bitch
I say slapping her drink off her desk and standing up
(Something I'd never do because I love coffee too much)
Jennas bf: she didn't even say anything to you
Bri: she keeps mumbling under her breath talking shit
Ro: bri chill
Bri: no cuz she keeps talking shit after I done beat her ass
Bri: come on Jenna fight me come on since you steady wanna run your mouth.
Teacher: alright that's enough calm damn or both of you are going to the principals office
Bri: tell Jenna to shut up
Ale: we'll handle it
Ale: calmate ya
Bri: no I'm not gonna let her just bully me and get away with it.
Ale: lets go in the hallway
Me, Ro, and Ale walk into the hallway
Ro: Bri you gotta chill
Bri: why do I have to chill if she's the one making fun of me
Ale: I understand that but you can't let people like her get under your skin
Bri: but I was defending myself
Ro: yeah but you can't just start wanting to fight everybody
Bri: well I fucking do. Okay?
I say punching the locker

I have a tendency to let my anger out. I get my anger issues from my dad. He would get really angry at my mom because he always thought she was cheating. His anger plus his paranoia led him to start laying his hands on her. I guess the worst traits get passed on.

Ale: just chill you don't have to get mad we're trying to help
Bri: man I can't deal with this bullshit
I say walking away but Mattia comes out
Mattia: what was that loud noise
Both Ale and Ro stare at me
Bri: I was mad so I punched the locker
Mattia: I got this boys
He says and Ro and Ale walk back into class
Mattia: Let me see your hand
I show him my hand
Mattia: you're stupid
Bri: why is everyone mad at the fact that I'm defending myself. She called me a bitch yet I'm the one whose in the wrong
Mattia: well you were kinda extra you don't always need to fight someone or be so aggressive
Bri: well if I show her that I'm not gonna do anything when she talks bad about me then she's gonna think that she could walk all over me.
Mattia: ok but you're one of the strongest females I know. And I know for a fact that Jenna knows you will fuck her up. But you're giving her more power because she knows that she bothers you. She knows in a way she's hurting you.
Bri: that bitch
I say breathing out
Bri: I'll try not to get so mad
Mattia: that's all we're asking for. You should apologize to the boys
Bri:I am but you should talk to Kairi
Mattia: about what
Bri: not telling

We walk back into class . I sit in Ale's seat and he sits in mine. I don't look or go near Jenna. I apologize to Ro and Ale. The rest of the day goes by and nothing happened. I go home and just chill. After awhile I decide that now is the time to call my mom. I haven't spoke to her since I left from Texas and the conversation did not go well at all. So I'm a little hesitant to call her but I work up the courage to do it.

Phone rings

Mom: Hello
Bri: Hey mom it's me
Mom: hey
You here beeping in the back
Bri: are you at the hospital
Brenda: yeah they have to do a couple of more tests
Bri: oh so umm... how are you
Mom: I'm good we have to do a couple of things before I start chemo
Bri: oh so how bad is it
Mom: stage four
My heart skipped a beat
Bri: sorry to hear that
Mom: that means you have to step up be there for your brothers and sisters a lot more. If you can help financially. Send money when you get the chance.
Bri: yeah but I already do that so is there anything else you need.
Mom: no I'm just scared cuz I'm pregnant and I don't know what's gonna happen to the baby
Bri: do you want me to go back to Texas
Mom: no no stay where you're at. Your doing good over there. I don't want you to leave for me
Bri: you sure
Mom: yeah
Bri: alright well I'll call you when I get the chance
Mom: ok bye
Bri: bye

I go downstairs to get a snack. Jay is watching TV so I sit on the couch.

Bri: I talked to my mom
Jay: what'd she say
Bri: she's gonna do chemo
Jay: how bad is it
Bri: stage 4
Jay: damn
Bri: yeah
Jay: what are you gonna do
Bri: there's nothing I can do. She doesn't want me to go back to Texas. I don't either. I can't leave until I finish school. So I really don't know.
Jay: we'll figure it out
Bri: I hope we do

A/n:// I know this chapter sucks but I haven't had the i inspo to write. I've been kinda lazy and unmotivated. I also have ran out of ideas so..... also let me know if Bri should have a love interest. I didn't really want one to begin with but I think it'll make things more interesting sorry I haven't updated in awhile

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