Cant Hangout

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Next Day
So me and the boys are in 7th period doing work and talking.

Kai: so you guys want to come over my moms not gonna be home
Ale: yea
Bri: sorry I can't
Kai: why not
He says with his little puppy dog face
Bri: since my show is this Friday I have to practice everyday.
Alvaro: so you're not gonna be able to hang out with us at all this week.
Bri: I mean I have rehearsals today and tomorrow after school. The rest of the week I have rehearsals in the morning. And Friday I have both morning and evening rehearsals plus the show.
Mattia: so that's a no
Bri: I mean I'm gonna be practicing in the dance room here so y'all can come during 1st period.
Ro: bet
Ale: are you gonna invite us to the show
Bri: of course I even got a car to pick you guys up.

School ends and I go straight to rehearsals. From rehearsals I go straight home and do homework. I make me and Jay food. Then I head straight to bed because if how tired I was.

The next day comes and it was just a normal regular day. After rehearsal I had a lot of homework to do since i wanted to catch up on the days I was going to miss. Sometimes being an artist and a full time student is hard. But it has to be something you're committed to completing. Jay ends up making dinner, which wasn't that great. I end up going to sleep late because of the stress . Usually I'll sing myself to sleep. So I got to our dance/music studio that has a piano that is in our backyard. I always record myself singing. I sung Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi and I Fall Apart by Post Malone.

The next day comes and I'm at rehearsals. All the buys are here watching me practice. My dance teacher is also watching me . Giving me tips on how I can add a little dance move every now and then. Jay is being annoying. He keeps correcting me every time I move.

Jay: Brianna get more into it
Jay: step on the beat.
Jay: how do you keep stumbling to the lyrics of your own song.
Bri: OMG can you shut the hell up
Jay: well maybe if you did it right I wouldn't be saying anything
Bri: well with you telling me what to do every second of course I'm gonna mess up
Jay: if you were actually focused you wouldn't be messing up
Bri: you know what you're fired
Everyone stays quiet and Jay walks out the room.

I walk out the other door that leads outside. Once I'm outside I lean against the wall and slide to the ground. I let my head fall into my hands and cry. I hear someone come so I quickly wipe away my tears. I turn and see it's Alvaro.

Bri: hey are you okay
Alvaro: no I'm good are you okay
Alvaro: no you not, you not baby and it's ok you not good and it's ok.
I laugh
Bri: shut up
Alvaro: what's wrong
Bri: I'm good everything's ok
Alvaro: bri tell me
Bri: it's just it's too much. Sometimes I just want to be a kid that has time to do other stuff than work.
Alvaro: do you love what you're doing
Bri: with every part of my body
Alvaro: make what you love doing fun. It doesn't always have to be your "job"
Bri: thank you
I say hugging him
Alvaro: I love you
Bri: I love you too

Jay and Layla's Convo
(Layla is the dance teacher)

Jay walks out of the room and Layla goes to find him.

Layla: hey are you ok
Jay: sometimes that kid pushes my buttons
Layla: I'm sure she didn't mean to fire
Jay: that's the thing she never does she just throws it in my face to taunt me. Well that's not gonna happen because I'm still her legal guardian.
Layla: Jay calm down
Jay: no I can't that kid drives me crazy
Layla: have you ever considered that sometimes she wants to be a kid with no restrictions, no one telling her what to do.
Jay:yes I do all the time but she can't just do whatever she wants because then it'll fire back on her. And it hurts me that she can't.
Layla: maybe you shouldn't correct her for every little thing she does wrong because that makes her feel like she's doing a bad job at the thing she loves the most.
Jay: I didn't think of it like that. Thank you
Layla: no problem
She says and walks away.
Jay: hey Layla do you maybe want to go out for drinks or something
Layla: sure

It's the day before the show and once again I'm at practice. Me and Jay had a talk and we fixed everything. Today's practice we're trying to not make it as intense as it should be. The boys are helping me practice but they're being stupid and keep joking around. Right now we're just practicing walking on stage and not the singing part.

Jay: ok let's get back on track
Ro: you ready for the big day
Bri: yeah kinda nervous tho
Kai: why you're gonna kill it
Bri: I mean there's  always a chance that something could go wrong

After School
The boys decided to take me to go get food and chill at the park to help calm my nerves.

Bri: lets go to the swings
I say running with Kai behind me.
Mattia: here let me push you
Bri: ok
As I'm about to jump on the swing he pulls the seat away and I fall on the ground
Bri: owww that hurt I hate you
Mattia and all the boys laugh.
I grab a small pebble next to me and throw it at him
Mattia: oww
Bri: how do you think I feel

We just chill and play at the park and then go home

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