Its Done

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(Play the song to make reading this chapter better)

It had been a 2 days since I told the boys I was moving back. Since then me, Alejandro and Alvaro have fixed things. However Kairi, Mattia, and Roshaun haven't talked to me. I've continuously tried talking to them, but every time they've ignored me. Right now I'm packing and Ale and Alvaro are helping me. I'm just taking a suit case of clothes because I have everything I need at my house in texas.

Alvaro: what time is your flight
Bri: 12
Ale: Estoy triste de que te vayas (I'm sad that you're leaving)
Bri: I know
I say wiping tears away
Alvaro: don't cry because your gonna make me cry
Bri: don't say that cuz then ima really cry
I say fanning myself
Ale: we're just a bunch of babies
He says while we do a group hug

It just doesn't feel right that the other boys aren't here. But I've tried doing everything to fix things and it's not working

Bri: do you think the other boys are gonna come
I say sniffling
Ale: I don't know
Alvaro: but we texted them saying we were gonna be here
Bri: ok

We hung out for a little while longer. Until 2 hours before my flight back to Texas. Jay came in my room to tell us it was time.

Jay: it's time for me to take the boys home
Bri: noooooo
I say my as my eyes start to tear up
Bri: I walk you guys outside
Once we get outside we all start tearing up
Bri: I love you guys
Alvaro: we love you too chunkie wunkie
Ale: make sure to text us your address just in case we make a last minute visit to Texas
Bri: I promise. I don't want you guys to leave
Ale: I don't want to leave either
Bri: I promise to visit you guys as much as possible
Alvaro: we promise to make sure Gianmarco waits for you
I laugh
Bri: shut up
Alvaro: at least we mad you laugh
Jay: it's time to go guys
Bri: bye
i say as tears pour down my cheeks
Alvaro: bye
Ale: bye
They say each giving me a hug

They get in the car and leave. I wave at them as they leave. I walk back to the door and can't manage to go back inside. Instead I place my forehead on the door and cry even more. I eventually mange to get myself back in. When I do, I grab my bags and backpack and take it outside to put into my other car. When I get outside I see the people I thought I'd never see again.

Ro: here let me help you
He says taking my bags
Bri: thank you
Mattia: so you were really gonna leave us without saying goodbye
Bri: I tried but you didn't answer any of my messages or calls
Kai: do you really think we would after this
Bri: I mean I-
Mattia: you obviously haven't been doing much thinking since you haven't used your brain
Ro: is that all
He asks referring to my bags
Bri: no there's more inside
Ro: ok I'll get them
Mattia: after everything we've been through you were just gonna leave without saying bye
Bri: look it's done Mattia I don't want to fight with you anymore
Mattia: I don't either, but when are you gonna wake up and realize that for once you need to put yourself first. You've always put their wants and needs before yours. Maybe once, just once, put your wants before theirs. You deserve it.
Kairi: how many times have we made you feel better because they made you cry? Why would you go back to people who treat you like shit?
Because they're you're family? That's not family. Family doesn't love you like that. We're you're family, but you're too blind to see that. And the worst part of this is that all of this was for you, but you're leaving so it doesn't even matter.
Mattia: have a nice life in Texas Brianna
Kai: I hope they don't break you again
With that they leave but Ro stays
Ro: I don't fully forgive you , but I'm not gonna let you leave thinking I don't love you
Bri: it's okay if you don't
Ro: I love you so much
Bri: I love you too
I say hugging him
Ro: bye Bri
He say walking off and waiving back at me
Bri: Bye Ro
I whisper to myself

I walk back in the house and wait for Jay to come back. When he gets to the house, we lock it and get in the car. We have a silent drive to the Airport. I booked us flights during the night, so when we get settled and the plane takes off all the lights are off. I get up and go to the restroom. While I'm in the restroom I look at myself in the mirror, and I begin to cry again. Once I get back to my seat I fall asleep for the entire flight. We get to my house in Texas and to my surprise nobody is there. So I decide to call my brother.

Bri: Hey where are y'all
Jr: we're at the house
Bri: why are y'all at the house of mom and Jacob fought.
Jr: well mom and Jacob-
Bri: you know what never mind Ima pull up to the house
Jr: okay bye
Bri: bye

Me and Jay got in the car and drove to my moms house. When we got there I just walked in and can not believe the sight before my eyes. My mom and Jacob snuggled up on the couch

Bri: are you fucking kidding me
My mom gets up quickly
Mom: you don't understand
Bri: no you don't understand Brenda. I had leave my life and family I had in Jersey to come down here and see this. I threw away everything for you. And this is how you repay me.
Jacob: no one told you to come back
Bri: actually she did and no one was fucking talking to you.
Jacob: excuse me
Mom: don't talk to him like that Brianna

When she said those words so much anger built up inside me that I couldn't handle. I clenched my phone so hard then I threw it at my moms face and it hit her in the eye.

Jacob: call the police


So if you've reached this far, I want to take the time to thank you so much. I originally did this for fun and I did not think that I would get this much reaction. But writing and seeing such a positive response made me so happy. Thank you so much for reading my first book. I hope you loved it and it made you laugh and made you love the Jersey boys just a little bit more. If you guys want a sequel just let me know and I'd be glad to give you guys one. THANK YOU AGAIN! ALSO THANK YOU FOR 3,000 READS!!! So happy and thankful.

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