After Party

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I rush down stairs and reach the front door. I'm about to grab the keys, when Jay says something.

Jay: where are you going?
Bri: to the party
Jay: no the hell your not
Bri: my friends need me and I'm not gonna flake on them
Jay: I don't care your not going
Bri: I don't care if you don't care. I'm going

I take the keys and run to the car. I drive a couple of minutes until I get there. I park right in front of the house and get out. When I get inside I see the boys holding Mattia back and Jenna and some guy standing across from them, so I go and stand in front of Mattia.

Bri: hey I'm here I got you if that bitch tries anything ok?
???: bro you lucky my girl holding me back
Bri: Bro shut the fuck up you won't do shit
???: who the fuck you think you talking to bitch
Mattia gets mad and tries to go at him but the boys pull him back
Bri: bitch? This "bitch" can beat the fuck out of you and yo girl in a heartbeat.
I say getting closer to them.
???: my girl will kill you
Bri: fuck your girl I want you
I say getting in his face
Bri: wassup I want to fight you, not your girl
Bri: dude come on you was talking all that shit calling me a bitch but now you not saying nothing
Bri: HELLLLOOOO!!!!! Why you all quiet now. At this point I was beyond pissed. So I decided to do the best thing ever.

I slapped him in the face. As he was about to hit me back Mattia shoves me out the way and starts fighting him. Mattia is throwing punch after punch until Jenna starts hitting him preventing him from being able to see. The other guy gets on top of him and starts hitting him. I pull Jenna off of Mattia from her shoulders. As I push her to the ground she pulls my hair. So I instinctively start throwing punches. I aim for her face and punch while all she does is pull my hair to try to get me on the ground. But I keep punching her from her boobs up making her bleed a little.

Mattia is on top of the other guy punching him while the other guy fights back. Eventually Ro pulls him off and tries to calm him down while Ale pushes the other guy away. Mattia sees me beating up Jenna so he goes and pulls me off. But I don't give up so easily. So when he pulls me off I grab ahold of Jennas hair. While someone else picks up Jenna.

Jenna: let go of my hair bitch
Bri: no bitch cuz when we were on the floor that's all you did
I say kinda out of breath cuz I'm a big bitch
Jenna: let go of my hair
Bri: nooooooo
Mattia: bri let go of her hair. You won. She's bleeding.
Bri: no I'm not letting it go
Mattia: bri please
Mattia: please
He says with a sincere voice

I pull her hair so hard that she stumbles towards me and Mattia. I take the opportunity to give her one last punch (FINISH HER!). I let go and Mattia immediately pins me against the wall so I won't try to run out of his grasp.

Bri: yeah bitch that's what you get. You got what you deserve.
Jenna: shut up bitch they don't even like you
She says wiping her nose with a napkin
Bri: don't ever touch me or ma best friend again cuz you gonna get it 10 times worse.
Jenna: shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Bri: you mad, why you mad? Go suck your boyfriends dick.
Jenna then gets a drink and yeets it at me

That's when I push Mattia with all my force and he moves back. I take off like Jesse Owens and grab Jenna by the hair again. I was about to punch her but Mattia pulled me off.

Bri: Mattia let me go
Mattia: no
Bri: let me go now
Mattia: no
Mattia: no
Bri: if you don't let me go ima punch the shit out of you.
Mattia: I don't care
Bri: I don't fucking care either
I say as I punch him and take off again.

Right as I'm about to reach her again Ale pulls me back.

Bri: Oh my fucking gosh just let me beat that bitch's ass
Ale: no let's go

So we leave and they all get in my car. We all talk about what happened and how crazy it was.

Alvaro: yoooo I cant believe you beat the shit out of Jenna.
Bri: she had it coming
Kai: you're fucking crazy
Ale: hell yeah
Ro: I can't believe you punched that guy
Bri: guy , girl, baby, monkey, caca, I don't care who it is
Matti: yeah you even punched me
Bri: sorry tia

We drop all the boys off until we get to Mattia's house. Mattia gets out of the drivers seat and I sit in it. He closes the door for me and leans against the window .

Mattia: thank you for beating a bitch up for me.
I laugh
Bri: anything thing for you
Mattia: yeah just next time beat the bitch and not me
Bri: ok
I say giggling
Mattia: goodnight
Bri: goodnight

I drive away from his house and head towards mine. I park in the driveway and wait there a couple of minutes. Stalling time so that I won't here Jay bitch at me. I go inside and hang up the keys and that's when Jay came out.

Jay: was it worth it
I stay silent
Bri: yeah
Jay: are you fucking kidding me?
Bri: no
Jay: so you're telling me fighting for some stupid little boys was worth everything
Bri: yeah because first of all they're not some stupid little boys they're my brothers.
He exhales loudly
Jay: you will not step a foot out of this house for the next week. I'm leaving I'll be back in the morning.

A/n:// so hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know there was a lot of curse words but yeah

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