Crash My Party

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Bri: thank you
Mateo: can you play another song
Bri: yeah
By this time all the boys are there watching me.

I start playing this

(This song is 🔥)

I know I caught them by surprise with this song. A couple of them even raise their eyebrows. Some of them even get up to start dancing. So we basically just vibe. I finish playing the song.

Ro: Bro that was fire
Bri: thank you thank you thank you
I say taking a bow
Bri: Ima go get some water
Mattia: why you always so thirsty
I flick him off

I go get some water while the boys finish their basketball game. I decide to make something to eat. I look in the fridge and see chicken tenders. So I take those out and fry them. Then I boil some potatoes to make mash potatoes. I cook corn. Right when I finish the boys come in all sweaty and stinky.

Alvaro: I didn't know you were making food
Bri: I always make food for y'all
Ale: hey bri do you still have my clothes I left here the last time I slept over
Bri: yeah why
Ale: I'm gonna shower
Bri: ok well it's in the closet where everyone else's clothes are
Ale: ok
Bri: here go some plates if y'all want to start serving y'all's selves

All the boys serve themselves and we all sit at the table and start eating.

Pinto: so do you like live in this house by yourself
Bri: no I live with my manager
Pinto: oh so um where are you from
Bri: Texas
Pinto: that's cool
Varo: bri?
Bri: yeah
Varo: are you gonna go to Texas this summer?
Bri: yeah I'm planning to go for a week

We finish eating and some of the boys go to shower. Some of them watch TV. I go to the kitchen to clean and make cookies. While I'm making cookies Mateo comes up to me.

Mateo: hey
Bri: Hi
Mateo: I have a question
Bri: and I have an answer
Mateo: how come I've never seen you on TikTok
Bri: that's because I don't have one
Mateo: why
Bri: because I'm not allowed to
Mateo: so you like to follow the rules
Bri: something like that
Pinto approaches us
Bri: hey
Pinto: I also have a question
Pinto: didn't you fight Jenna
Mateo: OMG that was you
Bri: uhh...yeah that was me
Pinto: bro you beat the crap out of her
Mateo: why'd you fight
Bri: uhh she was hitting Mattia so I took her off and she pulled my hair so I started punching her
Mattia comes down the stairs
Mattia: what are you guys taking about
Mateo: Bri fight-
Bri: nothing
I say quickly
Mattia: did you finish the other cookies
Bri: yeah they're over there
Mattia: can I have one
Bri: yeah

I finish making the cookies and we all eat them and watch a movie. We watch Finding Dory on Disney+. After that the boys go home I go and do my whole skincare routine. Then I lay on my bed and chill on my phone. After a while I fall asleep. A couple of hours go by.

Are you awake?

Bri are you

I'm coming

My House
Mattia: Bri
He whispers
Mattia: Bri
Mattia: Briiiiii
He says pushing me a little
Bri: umm Mattia what're you doing here
I say in a sleepy voice
Mattia: I texted you
Bri: well obviously I'm asleep
Mattia: hey don't give me that attitude
Bri: what do you want Mattia
Mattia: I can't sleep
He says with a sad face
Bri: why
Mattia: idk it's just every time I try I can't
Bri: is there a reason do you got anything on your mind
Mattia: no
Bri: don't lie to me
Mattia: fine I talked to Kairi
Bri: really?
Mattia: yea
Bri: and?
Mattia: and idk what to do
Bri: well what do you want to do
Mattia: idk but I do know that I don't want our friendship to end over some stupid girl
Bri: I agree
Mattia: Bri what do I do?
Bri: Mattia do you like her?
Mattia: I guess I do
Bri: you guess or you don't like the fact that Kairi likes her
Mattia: no I don't care about that
Bri: cmon matti you gotta be honest with yourself
Mattia: ok I don't like her but I also don't want Kairi to be with her
Bri: why
Mattia: she'll hurt him
Mattia: Kairi's too soft he won't handle a breakup well
Bri: do you lead her on
Mattia: sometimes
Bri: that's not good either
Mattia: but-
Bri: Matti it doesn't matter. Even if she's a hoe or not. Playing with someone's emotions is not okay.
Mattia: I know but that's exactly why her and Kairi should not be together
Bri: Mattia that's not for you to decide
Mattia: i at least get an opinion on it
Bri: what if he changes her
Mattia: trust me when I tell you this bri he can't change her
Bri: Mattia you don't know that
Mattia: yes I do
Bri: whatever you say buddy
Mattia: I just don't want to see him get hurt again
Bri: I know and you're a good friend for that. But you can't protect him from everything
Mattia: I can if I try
Bri: awww you're so sweet
Mattia: shut up
He says pushing my head
Mattia: all I know is that he can have anyone but not her
Bri: ok well we'll try to convince him
Mattia: ok
Bri: lets go to sleep
Mattia: can you sing me to sleep
Bri: yes
He lays his head on my shoulder

I sing Crash My Party by Luke Bryan:

I finish singing.

Bri: goodnight matti
Mattia: goodnight Bri

A/n:// so let me know if you guys like the deep convos. Also should I make a chapter of Mattia and Kairi talking about this girl. Who should the next fight be with.

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