Im Sorry

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(Play the song to make reading this chapter better)

It was the next day and I woke up to hella messages from the group chat.

Group Chat

What are we gonna
do today guys

Eat ass?

I think we should
figure out when
Gianmarco and Bri
are going on they're first

That's not happening

Fine pull up
to mi casa

I get up and get ready to go to Mattia's house. I'm extremely nervous to tell them I'm moving back. I don't know what to expect. I'm also dreading it so much. Once I'm done I go downstairs and grab my keys. I get in the car and drive to Mattia's house. When I get there the boys are all there.

Mattia: what's up chunkie wunkie
Bri: hey
I'm gonna miss this so much
Bri: what are y'all talking about
Alvaro: Celia
Kai: Gianmarco
They say simultaneously
Bri: why are we talking about irrelevant people
Ro: he's not irrelevant if he's been dming you
Bri: i sent you that screenshot out of confidence not for you to tell them
Ro: ooops
Mattia: wait that little shits been dming you?
Bri: yeah
Mattia: we need to handle him
Kai: bet just tell me when
Mattia: Friday sound good to you guys
Ale: hell yeah
Ro: and you better not tell him Alvaro
Alvaro: don't worry I'll leave the door unlock
Bri: umm about that... I have something to tell you guys
Alvaro: what chunkie wunkie
He just made this harder
Bri: I don't know how to tell you guys
Mattia: uhh just say it
Bri: I'm moving back to Texas
Ale: why
Bri: my mom really needs my help right now-
Mattia: are you fucking kidding me
He says cutting me off
Mattia: you literally moved to get away from her and now you're leaving because she needs help
Bri: Mattia
Mattia: no do we mean that little to you that you'd just leave us
Kai: how could you do this?
Bri: I-
Kai: we literally introduced you to all our families. We told you our secrets. You gave us advice. We all showed you the most vulnerable part of us and you're just gonna leave.
Bri: I'm sorry
Ro: we pouring our hearts out to you and all you have to say is you're sorry. You know what I'm sorry that I met you.
Bri: you don't mean that
Ro: I do because you obviously don't care about us enough to ask us how we feel about you moving before you make the decision.
Bri: I have to do it for my family
Alvaro: but we're you're family too
He says with tears in his eyes
Ale: yeah you even said we showed you what love really means
Bri: you did-
Mattia: no I don't want to hear it. You lied. You fucking lied to me. How could you do this to me? To us? How could you just break up the group for someone who doesn't even care about you?
Bri: I didn't lie
Mattia: are you serious? Do you really not remember?
Bri: remember what
Mattia: you said you would never move back to Texas. You promised
Kai: you know I thought you'd be the only female I wasn't related to that wouldn't break my heart
Bri: cmon Kairi
Kai: I guess I was wrong
Bri: no please
Ale: Nano was just starting to like you
Ro: everything was going good and you just had to ruin it
Mattia: you know what just leave
Bri: Mattia please
Mattia: please Brianna just go
Bri: no I'm not gonna leave
He looks me in the eyes, and his are filled with tears.
Mattia: JUST LEAVE!!!
He yells causing me to jump
Bri: I'm not leaving unless Alvaro tells me too
We all look at him and he doesn't say anything
Bri: fine
I say running out his house

I get into my car and cry. I cry so much that I can't find a way to stop. My sadness turns into anger, and I start banging my fist on my steering wheel and scream. I put the keys into the ignition and drive off. As I'm driving it begins to rain. I take the long way home. I continue to cry because I don't understand why they were so angry. The people I loved the most hated me so much. I know I deserved it. I made them feel like they meant nothing to me. I made them feel how my mother made me feel. Like I was worthless. I hated myself so much for this. How could I choose between both of my families. How could I pick a side. A family who has been with me since the beginning. And one that has fixed me, when the beginning broke me. My eyes were filled with tears but I managed to get home after a couple of hours of driving. By the time I got home it was pretty late. I didn't have the energy to do anything.

Jay: where have you been
Bri: I'm so stupid
I say crying
Jay: you're not stupid
He says holding me
Bri: how could I be so dumb
Jay: shhh
I cry into his chest
Jay: it's gonna be okay
Bri: and what if it's not
Jay: lets not worry about that
I cry even more

I can't stop. I just can't. I finally gave up. Ive dropped the fake smile as several tears ran down my cheeks.

Bri: I can't do this anymore
I whispered to myself
Bri: I never deserved them
Bri: I just push people away when they get close to me
Jay wipes my tears away
Bri: I hurt people when they try to fix me. I break them and I don't deserve anybody.
Bri: not you, not Mattia, not Ale, or Alvaro or Kai
Bri: I deserve nothing
Jay: don't say that. They learned that you were broken. And they tried to fix you because they loved you. And they wanted the best for you




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