Sweet Boys

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It's the next day and I wake up to use the restroom .  I wipe myself and I see that there's blood on the toilet paper.

Bri: ugh
Mattia: Briii
Bri: yeah
Mattia: there's blood on your bed
Bri: fuck
I look at my pants
Bri: ahhhhhhh
Mattia: you good
Bri: yup I'm great
I walk out the restroom and go to my closet
Mattia: Bri?
Bri: yes Mattia
Mattia: you got blood on your pants
Bri: I know but thanks for making me feel more embarrassed
Mattia: my pleasure
I flick him off
Mattia: oh no don't tell me you're gonna be bitchy all day
Bri: Mattia shut up
I grab sweats and new pair of underwears
Mattia: are you
Bri: no now please stop making fun of me
I say walking into the restroom

I walk out the restroom and see that my bed sheets are no longer on the bed.

Bri: did you take my sheets off?
Mattia: yes
Bri: aww you're so sweet
Mattia: I just wanted to make your life easier
Bri: thank you can you bring them to the laundry room
I put them to wash and go to the kitchen
Bri: what do you want for breakfast
Mattia: chocolate chip pancakes
Bri: ok
Mattia: sup jay
Jay: hey Mattia
Mattia: I haven't seen you in a while
Jay: yeah I've been busy

I make breakfast and we eat and talk. After we eat Mattia leaves, but he says that he'll come back later with the rest of the boys. Me and Jay go to the living room to watch tv.

Jay: Que esta pasando contigo y ese chico
(What's going on with you and that boy)
Bri: nothing why
Jay: so y'all not like dating
Bri: no Jay we're not
Jay: so why is he here more than the other ones
Bri: i dont fucking know maybe he likes being here
Jay: ok calm down why are you getting so angry
Bri: idk maybe because you and everyone else think that we're doing something but we're not
Jay: it's the end of the month right?
Bri: yeah why
Jay: you're on your period aren't you
Bri: ugh
Jay: just don't be doing anything you're not supposed to
Bri: I'm not having sex with him or anyone in general
Jay: ok well I'll be back
Bri: where are you going
Jay: to see Layla
Bri: wait-
Jay: byyyeeee

Group chat

Is it weird if
you're manager
is dating your
dance teacher

Wait Jay is
dating Ms. Layla

I wouldn't want
to be you if they
break up

How do you
think I feel

That's crraaazy

Ms. Layla is hot

Alvaro stfu

He's not lying


Y'all honestly so
fucking annoying

Shut up you're
just mad that you're
on your period

You're on your

Wow you just really
threw out my
business like that

So you are

That's tuff

Are girls always
mad when they're
on their period

No only if you
make us mad

Kairi's House
Kai: guys should we like go get Bri snacks before we go to her house.
Varo: yeah sure so she won't be mad when we get there
Ale: well let's go pickup Mattia and Ro

They all get in Kairi's car and Ale drives to Ro's house and then Mattia's.

Varo: where are we going to buy the stuff
Mattia: target duh
They arrive at Target
Ale: ok so I know girls like chocolate
Kai: and ice cream
Varo: should we get her a bear
Mattia: why the fuck would we get her a bear
Varo: idk girls like that kinda stuff
Ale: ok well we're gonna get her a bag of Lindt chocolate and a box of Ferrero Rocher (best chocolates)
Ale: ok let's go get the ice cream now
Kai: do we get a pint or half a gallon
Mattia: get the big one I've seen her eat one by herself (it really be like that)
Ro: get milk I heard that helps girls on their period
Mattia: where the fuck did you here that from
Ro: idk
Ale: lets go get a bear
Ro: this ones cute

Varo: where are we going to buy the stuffMattia: target duhThey arrive at TargetAle: ok so I know girls like chocolate Kai: and ice cream Varo: should we get her a bearMattia: why the fuck would we get her a bearVaro: idk girls like that kinda stu...

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Mattia: should we get her pain pills cuz you know cramps and shit
Ale: yeah
Kai: Tylenol or Advil
Mattia: Advil, Tylenol doesn't work for shit
They pay and drive to my house

Bri's House
They knock on my door
Bri: hey mothertruckers
Mattia: who says that
Bri: I do
We walk to the living room
Varo: we got you some stuff
Bri: really
Kai: yeah we wanted to make you feel better
Bri: aww thank you
I say hugging them
Bri: aww my sweet boys
Mattia: ok enough with the corny shit
Ro: look at what we got you
Bri: aww you got me a dinosaur
Bri: I love chocolate and ice cream
Bri: I needed pain pills
Bri: milk helps clot blood so this is good
Ro: what did I say
Ale: did you like it
Bri: I loved it
I say hugging him
Mattia: so what do you want to do
Bri: anything
Kai: did you buy another control of your Xbox
Bri: yup
Varo: lets play call of duty
We play for like 30 mins
Bri: can someone else play for me
I lay down on the couch and rub my stomach
Bri: fuck this shit hurts
I start breathing hard
Bri: uhh
I sit up and bend over
Bri: fuuuccckkk
I lay on the couch and put a pillow under my stomach
Ro: you good bri
Bri: I'm fucking dying
Ale: whats wrong
Bri: my stomach hurts
Bri: mmmm fuck
Mattia: drink the Advil we got you
Bri: if you really think that shits gonna work you're fucking dumb
Kai: ok chill you don't have to go all psycho on us
Bri: I'm sorry this shit just hurts so much
I say shedding a couple tears
Varo: please don't cry
He says hugging me
Bri: I can't help it
They all hug me
Mattia: girls are crazy
Bri: shut up Mattia
I say laughing
Ro: you okay now
Bri: yeah
Kai: I'll get you some ice cream
Bri: no I can get it myself
Kai: ok
I go to the kitchen and Jay walks through the front door.
Varo: ayyyeee Jay how was your date
Jay: nun of your business
Mattia: did you do anything freaky
Jay: don't worry about
Ale: so you did?
Jay: my personal life is none of y'all business and where Bri
Boys: kitchen

A/n:// thank y'all so much for 500 reads

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