Dads Aint Shit

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Jay walks into the kitchen

Jay: hey
Bri: hey how was your date
Jay: it wasn't a date we were just chillin
Bri: oh well my bad
Jay: we're gonna have to set a time to talk about when we're gonna have your next show and the tour
Bri: did the label approve
Jay: they're gonna call me tomorrow
Bri: ok well we can talk about it whenever
Jay: ok so tomorrow at 12 to 1 since the label is gonna call me at 1.
Bri: yeah sounds good
He turns around and is about to walk out
Jay: and Bri...find some girl friends please
Bri: haha I don't know about that
I take my ice cream and go to the living room
Bri: what did y'all tell Jay
Ro: if he hit it and quit it
Bri: maybe I do need to find girl friends
A couple of hours went by
Mattia: damn how many bowls of  ice cream are you gonna eat
Bri: however many I want
Mattia: ok I was just asking
I get a call from an unknown number
Bri: hello
Caller: is this Brianna
Bri: who's this
Caller: it's your grandma Rita
Bri: oh umm hi
Rita: how've you been
Bri: good
Rita: so umm your dad got into some shit and got arrested
Bri: what's new
Rita: ha yeah umm...
Bri: so what do you want from me Rita

I no longer call her my grandma because she doesn't treat me like her grand daughter at all.

Rita: I was wondering if you could uh
Bri: just tell me
Rita: his bond is 2,000 dollars and I need some money so can you lend me like 1,500 and-
Bri: no
I interrupt her
Rita: What?
Bri: no I'm not giving you a damn thing
Rita: bri it's your dad
Bri: I don't care who he is your not just gonna ignore me for an entire year and then ask me for a big favor.
Rita: bri-
Bri: no this man has caused me nothing but pain and you have done nothing to make it better
Rita: we used to be so close when you were little
Bri: yeah and I was naive but now I'm older and I know a lot more shit than you think. So you can take those memories and that piece of shit son of yours and shove them up your ass. Don't call me again cuz I will fly myself out to Dallas and cause a whole scene. Bye
I say hanging up
Ale: who was that
Bri: nobody important
I say walking out of the house and to my studio.
Kai: who do you think that was
Ro: idk but she obviously hates them
Varo: do you think it was her mom
Mattia: no cuz she said it was someone's son
When I got in my studio and sat at the piano.

I grabbed my iPad and placed it on the tripod then hit record. I played this song.

As I was singing the boys quietly walk in. I don't notice because I have my eyes closed. After I finish they clap and I get scared so I jump and they all laugh.

Bri: that's not funny
Ale: so you gonna tell us what that call was about
Bri: I don't want to talk about it
Varo: it'll make you feel better if you do
Ro: cmon what have we told you about holding it in
Bri: it was my grandma from my dads side
Mattia: what did she want
Bri: she wanted me to give her 2,000 dollars to bail my dad out of jail
Kai: are you serious
Bri: yeah and I know I never told y'all but he used to beat my mom and he was an alcoholic and a drunk. Him or his family haven't talked to me in over a year. When they do that start nothing but drama and I don't need that shit right now.
Mattia: damn
Kai: you know what fuck them we're the only family you need
Varo: yeah and we promise we're not gonna hurt you
Bri: I love y'all
Ro: we love you too
We all hug
Ale: lets go inside and eat some ice cream
Bri: uhh I ate it all
Mattia: if course you did fat ass
Bri: shut up
As we leave I get another call and answer it
Caller: You have received a call from Oscar at Dallas County Jail. To accept this call and the charges press 1.

When I heard that name my heart dropped. I haven't talked to my dad in forever and I don't plan on doing that. But I'm curios to know what he has to say. Should I accept the call. Fuck it. I press 1

Oscar: hey babygirl
Bri: don't call me that
Oscar: aye don't be giving me attitude
Bri: is that what you're gonna really say to me. You fucked me up for 16 years and that's what you have to say to me.
Oscar: Baby look I'm sorry I know I've made mistakes but I'm trying to change.
Bri: those weren't mistakes. That was you're fucking lifestyle. You decided to do that shit instead of care for your family.
Oscar: bri please just give your grandma the money so that I can prove to you that I've changed
Bri: for what? Huh so you can go spend it on coke and alcohol. Or better yet go find a bitch to fuck. Which one is it dad huh tell me.
Oscar: I made you. You owe everything you have to me. I motivated you. I put these ideas into your head. You're where you're at because of me.
Bri: FUCK YOU. I'm where I'm at because of me. 6 other fucking kids and no one motivated me. I did this shit my damn self. I don't owe you a goddamn thing. You're a fucking bum
I hang up.
Ale: Bri you good
Bri: yeah I'm fine
I say wiping away my tears

We go inside and I start making food. I serve everyone and we start eating but I don't really talk much. The boys are the only ones that are really having a conversation. I'm stuck in my head and my thoughts. I can't believe I'm letting this motherfucker get to me. After we finish eating I wash the dishes and Jay helps me.

Jay: hey are you good
Jay: bri are you good
Bri: hmm oh yeah I'm fine.
Jay: what's going on in there
He says pointing to my head
Bri: Rita called me asking for 2,000 dollars
Jay: did you give it to her
Bri: fuck no
Bri: but then guess who called me after
Jay: who
Bri: Oscar he told me that I owe him for everything I got
Jay: I never told you this before but I had a dad just like yours
Bri: really
Jay: yeah he was so toxic but instead of just beating my mom he beat me too. I did everything I could to make him hit me and not her
Bri: how'd you handle it
Jay: I made silent moves. I became successful without anybody knowing and then I left. I had to do it for me. For once I had to put myself first and get out if that bad situation.
Bri: I'm sorry you had to go through that
Jay: it's all good
Bri: thank you for everything you've done for me
Jay: I'd do anything for you.
Bri: to be honest dads ain't shit
Jay: nope

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