Kai's House

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It's the next day and we're in 7th period just chillin and talking.

Ale: guys cmon we have to do this before class ends
Bri: ok ok ok lets focus
Ale: the introduction to the United States constitution is-
Kai: First things first let me get that introduction
He sings and so does everyone else
Kai: hey guys so my parents are working late tonight which means they won't be home so do you guys wanna come over
Bri: I'll be there
Mattia: yeah you know I gotta give you your vitamin D
We laugh

Kai's House
I knock on the door and Kairi's little sister opens it.

Bri: uhh hi I'm Kairi's friend
Maiya: oh come in
Maiya: Kai doesn't really invite a lot of girl friends over
Bri: really?
Maiya: yeah. Hey don't you sing?
Bri: yeah
Maiya: I want to learn how to sing
Bri: I can teach you
Maiya: that be cool
Kairi comes down the stairs
Kai: hey you could've came upstairs
Bri: I was talking to your sister
Kai: sorry about that I know she talks a lot
Maiya: I do not
Kai: yes you do
Bri: I don't have a problem with it
Kairi gives me a stupid look
Bri: what
Kai: lets just go upstairs
I follow him upstairs

We walk into this room and all the boys are on their phone and then they look at us.

Ale: hey best friend
Mattia: hi bitch
Alvaro: hey bri
They all say at the same time
Bri: Heeeyyy
Bri: where's Ro
Kairi:he said he couldn't come because his stomach was hurting
Bri: oh
Mattia: lets make a tik tok
Bri: nooo why is that all y'all wanna do
Mattia: I don't want you in it
Bri: wow you bitch
He flicks me off

They make the tik tok with the hit tha roof sound

I decide to ruin it by shoving them out the way and grabbing Mattia's phone and start recording myself lip syncing it and sticking out my tongue like Mattia

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I decide to ruin it by shoving them out the way and grabbing Mattia's phone and start recording myself lip syncing it and sticking out my tongue like Mattia. He takes it away from me.

Bri: that's what happens when you're mean
Mattia: well when you're ugly you don't get to be apart of other people's videos
Bri: haha

The boys decide to just make more TikToks and videos. So we were just bullshitting around and having fun. Ale gets a message while we were making a video on his phone. Us being nosey we look at it.

Why are you texting my girl she has a man.

He grabs his phone. We all look at Ale and he has a sad face expression.

Bri: fuck that bitch
I say grabbing his phone and throwing it on the bed.

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him.

Kai: Bro she's not even worth it
Alvaro: yeah you can do way better
Mattia: hoes will be hoes
Ale: yeah
He says pulling away from my hug
Ale: I gotta use the restroom
Mattia: damn
Bri: he really liked her
Kai: females are so fucked up
Bri: not all girls act that way
Kai: you know what I mean
Alvaro: we need to cheer him up. Make him forget about this chick
Mattia: bri you can go get food while us boys talk to him
Bri: wow I hate you
Bri: ok well I'm going to Chick-Fil-A
Bri: and I'm taking Maiya
Boys: ok

I walk to where Maiya's room is and knock on the door.
Bri: hey do you wanna come with me to get food?
Maiya: yeah
We get in the car and drive off
Bri: so is Kai a good big brother
Maiya: he's ok. Sometimes he's mean to me but we always get along.
Bri: yeah how old are you?
Maiya: 12
Bri: wow I didn't know you were that young

We pull up to the drive thru window and I ask Maiya if she wanted anything . I ordered what she wanted and what me and the boys wanted. We get our food and drive back. On our drive back we talked about any and everything. We talked about boys and TikTok and music and our family and dance. We made a couple of TikToks and did Carpool Karaoke. It was good bonding with her cuz it reminded me of my younger siblings. I could tell she really liked me. I am definitely gonna hangout with her more. We pulled up to the house and got out of the car. I asked Maiya if she could help me take out my guitar from the trunk and she said yes. We went inside and she put my guitar down by the couch and I brought the food to the table.

Maiya: I'll go call the boys
Bri: ok
She comes back down with the boys right behind her
Bri: alright so I got everyone a shake
I say seeing Alejandro smiling in front of me
Ale: which one do I get
Bri: this one
We all sit down and eat

We were all just chilling and laughing. They were telling me different stories of when they did stupid stuff before they had met me. Honestly I am so grateful that they let me become their friend in such little time. Because even tho it's only been a couple of months we grown close like a family and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Once we're done eating me and Kairi clean up the table.

Kai: hey is that your guitar
Bri: yeah
Kai: you're gonna play it right
Bri: yes Kairi that's what you do with a guitar
Kai: shut up
He says smiling
Kai: Maiyas gonna love hearing you sing
Bri: I know that's why I brought it

I grab my guitar and lay it on the coffee table. I open up the case and pull it out admiring it. I sit on the couch and place it on top of my knees. I pull my guitar pic from the fretboard and strum all the strings at once. I then hear Maiya come down the stairs and I turn around and see her smiling. I smile back.

Bri: come sit
I say patting the spot next to me

I play a chord for her then teach her how to play that chord. We continue to do this for a while switching to different chords.

Maiya: can you play a song for me
Bri: of course do you have any requests
Maiya: play whatever you want

I start playing No One by Alicia Keys:

(She has a beautiful voice)

In the middle of the song the boys come down and sit on the couch across from me and Maiya. Some of them record. The whole time Maiya was looking at me amazed. I was looking back at her smiling. I finished singing

Maiya: wow
I giggle

We soon left Kairi's house and I had to drop off Alvaro and Ale. I drop Alvaro off first and then I park in front of Ale's house.

Ale: thank you
He says opening the car door
Bri: wait
Ale: yeah
He says closing it
Bri: I know you need your guy talks but I want you to know that not all girls are like that. They don't always play with guys feelings. Some girls just do that because they're bored with their lives. But most girls will try to fix you and be there to listen to every little word you say because they care.
Ale: I know Bri and I'll always have you to remind me.

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