You So Bad

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Jay: Brianna answer me where were you
Bri: why do you care Jay. You're obviously to busy for me. So just don't care like you always do and go be with Layla.
Jay: no you are not gonna make this my fault. Brianna tell me where you were or I'm gonna take away you're phone.
Bri: I went to the beach
Jay: for what to do this?
He says showing me a video of the fight at the beach
Bri: I wasn't involved. I was just tryna get the boys and leave
Jay: don't lie to me
Bri: I'm not lying to you Jay
He sits on my bed
Jay: I don't think moving to Jersey was the best idea
Bri: why because I'm finally being a kid and you want me to be all business. I'm not your fucking puppet to be controlling Jay. Remember I pay you.
I walk away to the restroom
Jay: Bri?
He knocks on the door
Jay: I just want to let you know I'll be gone for two days, but this conversation is not over
Bri: just leave like you always fucking do
When he leaves, I get ready.

The Group Chat

Guys Jay left for 2
days and I don't wanna
be at home by myself

Can I spend the night
at one of y'all's house


You're an asshole

I'm jk

You can stay
at my house

Or mine

I'll  stay at Alvaros
then Ales


Thats cool

I pack a bag then drive to Alvaro's. When I get there Alvaro opens the door.

Alvaro: hey chunkie wunkie
He says hugging me
I say hugging him back
Alvaro: come in let me me show you around the crib. It's a pretty big house as you can see.
He shows me his house then we get to the rooms.
Alvaro: alright so this is my sisters room. You can sleep in here if you want. This is mine and my brothers room. There's 3 beds in here so you can sleep in here too.
He finishes showing me his house and we run into his siblings.
Alvaro: Bri this is my brother Gianmarco and my sister Anna
Bri: hey
Gianmarco: you're cute
Alvaro: shut up Gianmarco
Anna: he so stupid
Me and Alvaro go to his room and I lay on the bed and he sits in his chair.
Alvaro: you okay?
Bri: yeah I'm good
Alvaro: it's me, Alvaro. You know... we always talk to each other. I know you're not ok, so just talk to me.
I scoot over so he can lay down
Bri: sometimes I question whether I really want to do this.
Alvaro: what do you mean
Bri: like sometimes...I don't's just sometimes I don't really want to be a music artist. Sometimes I just want to be a kid. And jay doesn't understand that. He wants me to be perfect. And I'm not.
Alvaro: Yeah I get it. Sometimes I have to miss family events. But I know that I'm doing what I love and my family supports me through it all.
Bri: I love doing what I do, but I don't have the support to back it up. I love Jay and everything he has sacrificed, but sometimes I just feel like I'm back with my mom.
Alvaro: have you told him how you feel
Bri: no because he's always leaving
Alvaro: well then you have to be straight up with him. Tell him I need to talk to you and then go off. No hesitations.
Bri: you know what? Ima go off.
Alvaro: go off sis
Bri: I love you
I say hugging him
Alvaro: I love you too
Bri: wanna go get some food
Alvaro: yeah
He tells his siblings where we're going
Alvaro: we're gonna get food
Bri: do y'all want anything
Gianmarco: yeah you
Anna: shut up
They tell us what they want and we leave.

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