She's Psycho

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It's the next day and I wake up and tell Ale bye. Then I go home because I know Jay is at home, and I really want to talk to him. When I get to my house, I see another car. I don't know whose car it is. I walk inside, and I see Layla and Jay standing at the counter. Jay looks at me and approaches me fast.

Jay: where were you
Bri: last time I checked I'm emancipated and you just tell everyone you're my guardian
Layla: Brianna he's just trying to talk
Bri: you know Jay I came to have a decent conversation with you, but I obviously you're too busy
I say walking to my room
He yells
I yell back
Jay: don't start that bullshit with me
Bri: make her leave and then we'll talk
Jay: cmon Brianna are you really gonna be that petty
Bri: Don't you see it Jay. She's your Mattia. You're Alejandro. Your Alvaro. She distracts you from you're fucking job.
I say leaving to my room.

I'm so mad that I throw my phone at my mirror. The entire mirror shatters and so does my phone. Just then Jay walks into the room.

Jay: what the hell is wrong with you? Anger management classes and for what? For you to be lashing out again .
Bri: Yeah because in case you haven't figured it out I'm not perfect. I'm just a kid. And guess what? My brain is fucked up. So yeah I'm gonna lash out cuz that's how I was taught to cope with my problems.
Jay: Brianna what's wrong? Just tell me what's wrong.
He says with a sincere voice
Bri: .... I- ..... I- ..... I don't know
Jay: it's ok
Bri: It's just that.... sometimes I feel like I'm back with my mom. In that house.
Jay: you feel that way with me ?
Bri: yeah
Jay: why?
Bri: I just feel like you don't support me. I feel like I can't talk to you the same way I used to. And I know your whole life doesn't evolve around me, but sometimes I need you.
Jay: you're right, but like you said, you're emancipated. You have to learn how to be there for yourself. What happens when I'm not here and something happens.
Bri: well you said you'd always be there for me when I need you.
Jay: and I will
Bri: you know you're acting just like my dad
Jay: how?
Bri: you're selling me broken promises
Jay: why are you acting like this?
Bri: why are you?
Jay: I can't talk to you like this
He says getting up
Bri: so you're just gonna leave me?
Jay: no I'm gonna let you calm down
Bri: just leave. Leave like the rest of them.
He looks at me with a concerned face, then leaves.

I get up and look at myself in the broken mirror. Then I start punching it. I punch it over and over again. The only time I stop is when I see red on my knuckles and on the mirror. Then suddenly tears start pouring out my eyes. I quickly wipe them away and get a notification on my phone. I pick it up and see that it's Kai.

I have some tea
to spill

What is it

It's very important
and very juicy

Bri ❤️
Then tell me dummy

I coming over chunkie


Before he comes over, I put a sheet over the mirror. Then, I pick up all the pieces of glass that fell on the floor and throw them away. I go to the restroom and put water on my knuckles to clean the blood. Then, I clean it out with hydrogen peroxide and put some cream on it. I lay cotton swabs on top, and then I wrap a bandage around my hand.  I put on a hoodie that has long sleeves that cover my hands. I walk to the kitchen and scoop some ice cream in a bowl and grab a spoon. I hear a knock at the door and open it.

Kai: Hey chunkie wunkie
Bri: hey Kai
Kai: Bri you're a fat ass
Bri: if eating ice cream makes me fat, then so be it
Kai:I want someone to love me the way you live ice cream
Bri: someday Kai, someday
Kai: are we going to your room or...?
Bri: do you want to or do you wanna talk in the living room?
Kai: lets go to your room
Bri: k
We get in my room and lay on the bed
Bri: ok so what do you have to tell me ?
Kai: ok so you know the girl you and Mattia tried to get me to stop talking to?
Bri: yeah
Kai: well I tried to, but she said that she's in love with me, and that she has hella feelings for me. But a week ago she told me that she doesn't like me, and that she just wanted to be friends.
Bri: and you don't think she caught feelings in a week?
Kai: hell no. I know for a fact she hasn't
Bri: ok so what's the problem?
Kai: now she won't leave me alone. She keeps posting me all over her social media. She tags me in couple posts on instagram when we're not even a couple. And she posts me as her mcm. That's reserved for Mattia only. She's psycho
I laugh so hard
Bri: you got a crazy bitch
Kai: no I don't. She's not my female dog
Bri: ok so what do we do?
Kai: I don't know you tell me
Bri: lets confront her
Kai: are you serious? Like are you being deadass?
Bri: yeah let's pull up to her house and tell her off
Kai: OMG I literally have her address let's go

We get in my car and Kai puts her address into the GPS. We start driving and and get to her house in a short amount of time. It looks like she has people over, but we get off anyways. Kai knocks on her door, and she opens it.

Girl: OMG Kai come in
Kai: uhh no thank you we're not staying long
Girl: um ok, so what's up? Can I get a hug?
Kai: uhh no. Bri?
Bri: yeah hey, hi. My names Bri. I'm his best friend and his protector. Anyways, you keep bothering him by posting him on social media. He doesn't like you and, he doesn't want to be with you ,so just stop. Stop texting him, stop hitting him up. Just leave him alone.
Girl: I genuinely like Kairi, and I do have feelings for him.
Bri: no you don't. You don't, and you know you don't. We all know that you're trying to get at him just to get at Mattia. And don't play dumb. We know you belong to the streets.
Girl: what are you talking about?
Bri: just leave Kairi alone cuz trust me when I tell you this, we will come back if you keep on with your bullshit. That's it byyyeeee
Me and Kai walk away as fast as possible
Kai: I can't believe we did that
Bri: me neither
We say laughing
Kai: wow we're bad asses
Bri: the baddest
We say getting in the car
Kai: thank god I have you. I think you're more psycho than she is

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