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Once we land we drop everyone off and head back to my house.



(general idea)Liked by yoboyjon, alvaromero, and 2,073 othersbb

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(general idea)
Liked by yoboyjon, alvaromero, and 2,073 others
bb.bri: sad to say that my time back home has come to an end. I'm gonna miss my family so much, but I'm happy I got to show my best friends the best part of me.
alejandrosario: love you bestie
^alvaromero: that's my bestie. I love you btw
kairicosentino: I love you
mattiapolibio: you grew on me
^bb.bri: just admit you love me
^username: admit it Mattia
roshaun_diah: I gotta lot of love for you girl

Jay: so how was it
Bri: it was good
Jay: I'm surprised nothing bad happened
Bri: uhhhhhh
Jay: what happened now
Bri: I got in a fight with Alexis and Bianca
Jay: are you kidding me
Bri: Jay chill, no one recorded it
Jay: it doesn't matter. Do you know what would've happened if the label found out ?
I yell
Jay: why are you yelling at me
Bri: Because you act like I don't know the fucking consequences to my actions
Jay: well you act like you don't
I stay silent
Jay: did you win at least
Bri: yeah

When we get home I go and unpack all my stuff and my wash clothes. I clean up a little around the house. I cleaned before I left so there's not much. After I'm done I go shower and then put on some comfy clothes. Then I go and get a snack. I choose a Salsagheti, which is a mexican candy. I go back to my room and lay on my bed. I go on instagram and I see that Mattia's live so I decide to join. He tells Alexa to play my new song.

Mattia: I'm coming from the basement, but ain't nobody give a fuck. They throwing dirt but I came from the mud.
username: we love a supportive friend
username: aww I stan this friendship
username: 🔥🔥🔥
Mattia: guys make sure to listen to Bri's new song My game. It's pretty fire.
username: bri joined
username: go live with Bri
username: add Bri
Mattia: you guys keep saying that Bri joined but I don't see her. Oh wait there she goes
He adds me
Bri: heeeyyyy
Mattia: don't be annoying please
Bri: I'm not annoying
Mattia: yes you are
Bri: ok whatever thanks for the promo
Mattia: make sure you PayPal me for it
username: he would
username: he's so mean
Bri: you're an asshole
Mattia: ok you should come over
Bri: why
Mattia: cuz I'm bored and the boys are busy
Bri: good to know I'm the last choice
Mattia: yup so are you gonna come.
Bri: yeah I'm on my way

I leave his live and get in my car. I drive to his house and just walk through the front door. I see Gianluca playing video games.

Bri: hey Luca
Gianluca: hey bri
Bri: dude you're so trash
Gianluca: shut up
I grab a water from the fridge
Bri: is your mom here
Gianluca: she went to the store
Bri: oh
Mattia comes upstairs still on live
Mattia: I think Bri is here
He gives me a death stare
Mattia: every fucking time you come over you hang out with my little brother instead of me
Bri: and every fucking time I tell you he's more fun than you
Mattia: that kinda hurted me tho
Bri: are you still on live
Mattia: yes lets go
Bri: kk bye lu-
Mattia: uh uh don't say it
Bri: someone's jealous
We go to his room and I lay on his bed
Mattia: some people just have no respect
He says while setting up his phone
Bri: Mattia shut up before I beat you up
Mattia: like how you beat up Alexis-
i yell
Mattia: oh shit
username: who is that
username: who is Alexis
Mattia: my bad guys I wasn't supposed to say that
We're on love for a little bit when Mattia's mom comes in.
Mattia's Mom: hey mija
Bri: hey
I say getting up and hugging her
Mattia's Mom: I bought you're favorite chips at the store
She says handing me them
Bri: aww thank you
I say giving her a kiss on the cheek
username: aww
username: goals
username: I wish Bri was my friend
Mattia: ma what did you get me
Mattia's Mom: nothing because you didn't wash the dishes like I told you
She says walking back upstairs
Bri: haha
Mattia: what the fuck are you laughing at
Bri: it's not my fault you didn't wash the dishes lazy fuck
username: 💀💀💀
username: stop being lazy
username: damn Mattia you're so damn lazy

We stay on live a little longer then we get off. We decide to watch a movie after. We get snacks and lay on his bed . He lays on the feet and I lay on the other side. I end up falling asleep.

Mattia: Bri wake up
Bri: hmm
I say getting up
Mattia: you fell asleep
Bri: oh sorry umm I think ima go home already
I say standing up
Mattia: nah just stay here. It's late anyways
Bri: ok
I say laying back down
Mattia: Bri?
I don't respond
Mattia: Bri
Bri: yeah
Mattia: never mind
I get up on my elbows
Bri: you okay
Mattia: nah it's nothing
Bri: what's wrong
Mattia: the anniversary of my uncles death is coming up, and you know all the emotions are coming back. It's make me feel, I don't sad and shit. You know?
Bri: I've never experienced that type of loss, so I don't know what you're going through. But what I can't tell you is that I'm here if you want to talk. It's ok to cry or feel sad. That's what makes you human. Just find a way to cope with it.
Mattia: I want to get a tattoo to honor him, but I don't know
Bri: get the tattoo. That just goes to show that he had an impact and that he left a permanent mark on you.
Mattia: you know what I'm gonna get the tattoo.

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