Whos Jenna?

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Someone pulled me out and it was a girl
???:Hey you
Bri:uhh can I help you
???: so are you and Mattia like dating?
Bri:no why do you care?
???: no reason just thought I should know
Bri:and who are you?
???: Jenna Mattia's uhh......
Bri:his what?
Jenna: it doesn't matter
Jenna: I just don't wanna see you and him together
Bri: look sis I'm all for not ruining relationships but you don't even know what you and Mattia are and ima hangout with whoever I want so bye.
I say walking into class
Ro:who was that
Bri: no one
I say sitting down
Bri: so who's Jenna
Right when I ask that all the boys turn and look at me
Mattia: why do you wanna know?
Bri:cuz she pulled me outta class talkin about sum I don't want you talking to Mattia
Mattia: she's my ex girlfriend
Ale: yeah dont worry about it
Ro: she cheated on him
He whispered into my ear.
Nothing else interesting happened. I went about my day

2 days later

The group chat

Bri where are you

Are you good

Are you coming to school

I need my
spanish partner

Kai you have me

It's not the

I was late to school because I had a morning practice. I skipped the first 3 periods. This is going to be something I do all the time I just forgot to tell the boys. I'm here for lunch so I walk into the lunch room and I see all the boys at a table so I join them.

Mattia:where have you been?
Bri: I'm sorry guys I had an early practice and forgot to tell y'all
Mattia: you couldn't text us
Bri: Jay doesn't let me use my phone during practices
Ale: what were you practicing for
Bri: for last minute shows or if someone misses a show and they ask if I can perform
Ale: oh
Ro: so when's your next show
Bri: uh next Friday
Kai: why so soon
Bri: it helps people know that Ima be popping up in jersey more and that if they want a to see a show they have to come to jersey
Kai: oh
Alvaro: so are you guys gonna go to the party on Friday
Ale:prolly not
Mattia: we're gonna have a fuckin game on Friday
Alvaro: oh yeah
Ale: we're all gonna be tired
Alvaro: I'm still gonna go
Bri: I'll go with you varo
Alvaro: period
Kai: if bri goes I'll go
Ale: bri should come to our game
Mattia: noooo please don't come
Bri: why you don't want me to see you eat shit
Mattia: no you're crazy I don't eat shit I eat p-
Bri: ahhh no I don't want to here that
Bri: I'm going period

I pull out my lunch and start eating. The last thing I eat is my bag full of grapes. Which the boys start staring at so I offer them some.

Bri: y'all want some
Kai: yes please
I put the bag in front of the table and they all get some.

They all start throwing grapes at each other seeing who could catch the most. I catch two. Then I feel a grape hit me. And guess who threw it.

Bri: I swear to god Mattia I'm gonna beat your ass
I say throwing a grape at him but accidentally hitting Kairi.
Kai: wow
Bri: Kai I swear I didn't meant to do it
He gets a grape and throws at me but it hits Ro.

That's when we all start getting grapes and throwing them at each other. I grab 2 grapes from the floor and run to put them into Mattia's mouth. He spits them out and I laugh. We're all laughing and throwing grapes at each other until we eventually run out. We all go to the restroom to clean up and I finish before the boys so I wait for them.

Jenna: are you waiting for Mattia?
Bri: it's none of your business
Jenna: so are you?
She jumps a little bit
Jenna: whatever
She says walking away.

The bell rings and the boys come out and we all go to our 4th periods. The rest of the day goes by and I'm now in my 8th period. The class is almost over but my dance teacher picks me and some other guy to do the dance we've been practicing . As we're about to do the dance all the boys from athletics come in.

Teacher: so we have an audience but I want you guys to treat it like any other practice.
Bri: oh boy
Partner: you ready
Bri: yeah
All the boys wave at me and I wave at them back. The music starts and this is the dance we do:

After we perform everyone cheers and claps. The teacher then picks other people to do it like in the video. I try to stay in the corner and hide so the teacher won't call on me again. She sees what I'm doing and calls on me again(I hate when teachers do this). She calls on me and the same boy I danced with earlier. We did this dance:

After we were done I looked towards the boys to see how they reacted and they had this face expression😮. They left after that and once practice was over I got my bags and walked out the class. Right when I m about to leave. All the boys walk out. Fuck

Boys: Aaayyyyeee
Mattia: Damn you threw it back
Bri:ummm thank you
I say blushing a little
Kai: wow didn't know it did that
Bri:shut up
Mattia: can I get a ride
Kai: me too
Bri: yeah come on

While we're waiting for Jay I'm chilling on my phone and Mattia and Kai are "remaking" the dance I did. I laugh and record them and post it to my snap. Jay gets here and we go home.

A/n:// so I hope you guys liked this chapter please vote and comment. Also if you have any suggestions please let me know.

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