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It was the next day and we were all just chilling at my house. We were bored so Ale decided to go on live.

Ale: Hey Guys
username: where are you
Ale: I'm at Bri's house
Ale: I have an idea
He goes up to me and holds up the camera to where you could see both of us
Ale: ask us questions and Bri has to answer them honestly. Right?
Bri: I guess
Username: who is your favorite
Ale: yeah bri whose your favorite
Bri: I don't have a favorite
Mattia: cap
Bri: I swear I don't
Kai: you have to answer honestly
Bri: I am I don't have a favorite because I have a different relationship with every single one of y'all
Ro: Mhm
username: would you ever date one of them
Bri: no
Alvaro: honestly?
Bri: no I won't because I don't want to ruin our friendship
Ale: someone asked would you chose music over us
Bri: that's a hard question
Bri: no because even tho it is something I love I wouldn't want to lose y'all
Kai: awww
Bri: shut up
Ale: oooo out of all the boys who do you find the most attractive
Bri: nooo I don't want to do this
Ale: you have to
Bri: ugh fine
Bri: Mattia and Kairi
I whisper
Ale: huh
Bri: Mattia and Kairi
I say louder
Ale: what?
Alvaro: you're Cappin
Ro: hell no
Kairi: Really?
He says with a happy face
Mattia: Mr. Bag a Bitch
Ale: wait so you'd talk to Kairi before you'd talk to me
Bri: yeah
Ale: wow
Alvaro: so you hate me and I'm ugly
Bri: no varo I love you
Alvaro: what about personality
Bri: everyone except Mattia
Ale: ok next question
Ale: how many people have you dated
Bri: none
Mattia: you've never dated anyone
Bri: no why do y'all always gotta comment on my answers
Mattia: haha you're a loner
Bri: you've only dated like one person
Mattia: so how many people have you dated
Ale: when are you gonna get a TikTok
Bri: never because I feel like TikTok is toxic
Alvaro: why do you think that
Bri: they're always cancelling people
Alvaro: that's true
Ale: do you like where you live
Bri: yes I do it's a lot less chaotic
Ale: how do you deal with hate?
Bri: sometimes I'll address it because lies seem to get more attention than the truth but for the most part I try to ignore it because I know what they say is not true and people just want to be relevant
Ale: period
Ale: next question is are you going on tour?
Bri: my management team is trying to get make one happen. I have been trying to get one since the beginning of the year but we just gotta wait until the label approves. So hopefully by this summer.
Ale: how fire is the new album gonna be
Bri: y'all are not ready for it at all. I've been in the studio so much lately. I'm trying to make this so good for y'all.

After awhile I get tired of answering questions so I go and lay on my bed. I was just scrolling on Instagram going through my explore page. I click on a video and scroll. It's just a bunch of pictures of cute boys. I like a couple. Then Ale jumps on my bed and scares me a little.

Ale: what are you doing
He says still on live
Bri: nothing
I say turning my phone away from him.
Ale: why are you looking at boys
He says and all the boys look at me
Bri: I'm not
Mattia grabs my phone
Ro: Make sure she didn't ask for the snap
Bri: Mattia give me my phone back please
He holds it up
Bri: Mattia please
I say jumping up
Bri: I hate you
I say punching him in the stomach
Ale: aye chill out
Bri: you shut up you're the reason he has it
I say walking to the door
Bri: Jay the boys don't want to give me my phone back
He walks into the room
Jay: Mattia give my daughter her phone back
Mattia: she was looking at picture of boys
Jay: never mind
Bri: ugh
I say laying on my bed
Bri: Alvaro can you get my phone
Alvaro: no cuz you said you hate me and you think I'm ugly
Bri: wow now I actually hate you

I put the cover over me and they eventually give it back. I take it and start playing call of duty mobile.

Bri: Kai do you wanna play with me
Kai: yeah he says coming to sit next to me
Alvaro: can I play too
Bri: no cuz you didn't want to help me
Mattia: cmon it wasn't his fault
Bri: you're right it wasn't it was Ale's
Ale: what? How is it my fault?
Bri: cuz you're the one who said it out loud
Bri: and first of all how come I can't look at boys who are fully clothed but y'all can look at pictures of girls only wearing a bra and underwear and I don't say anything
Mattia: uh
Bri: uh what
Mattia: nothing
Bri: exactly
Bri: plus it's not like I'm gonna go and dm him asking if he can make me pregnant
Ale: we don't know that
Bri: why would I ever do that
Alvaro: cuz you're horny
Everyone laughs
Bri: so what the purpose of a sex toy
Kai: you use sex toys
Bri: no but I'm just asking
Mattia: why are you asking? So you can buy one?
Bri: no but I'm just saying I don't need an actual dick to make myself feel good. Unlike guys who are always having sex but never use condoms
Ro: condoms are very expensive
Bri: kids are more expensive
Ale: why can't girls just get on the pill
Bri: cuz it involves parents. Y'all don't want your parents knowing you have sex so why would we.
Kai: I'm sorry that the boys are sexist and won't let you be a girl
Bri: thank you kai

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