Chapter 10

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Nina's POV

" Ni " I heard a familiar voice which I missed over past many years . 

" Ni open your eyes " said that voice again .

I opened my eyes to see that a male figure was standing infront of me , I rubbed my eyes as I couldn't believe that I can see . I saw the male figure approaching , I also went to meet that person . The fog infront of us was getting clearer and then I saw him my big brother Michael . I went  and hugged him and started crying . 

" Ni , please stop crying " I heard his soothing voice . 

" I missed you , why didn't you take me with you ?" I asked .

" Because it was not your time and I miss you too Ni . I am watching you from here and I know that how our parents behaved with you and how your husband behaves with you . I am sorry that I couldn't be present and protect you " He said . 

" You don't have to feel sorry and I have accepted the faith " I said . 

" That's not like my Ni , you should stand for yourself like you always did . Ni you have so many good people around you and let that husband of your know that you are strong " said Michael .

" But Mike , I am blind " I said . 

" Is that your excuse ?" asked Michael . 

" Maybe , I was supposed to have a surgery but now I feel that I would never be able to see " I said . 

" Don't lose hope , but let me tell you something I want my sister to be strong and take decision for her good and if she doesn't then I will be sad " He said . 

" No , I will try my best " I said . 

I saw the fogs again appearing infront of me . 

" Michael " I said and started searching him .

" I have to go Ni , but please don't lose hope " he said and disappeared .

I felt darkness appearing infront of me . 

I then heard an unfamiliar voice . 

" Check her vitals if any thing arise let me know , the  eye specialist will come in half an hour " I heard . 

I opened my eyes and moved my hand . 

" Doctor , the paitent " I heard another voice . 

"Go and inform her family " said the voice which belonged to the doctor . 

" Wait " I said . 

" What happened Miss ?" asked the same voice . 

" About the eye specialist and what he says about my eyes , I want it hidden I don't want to let anyone know about it please do me this favor " I said . 

" Ok , but should I let them in ?" asked the same voice . 

" Not now " I said...............

Hope you like this chappie let me know what you think

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Love ,

Aarya ❤❤❤

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